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Elliot's hormones have been well.. all over the place. He was 16 after all, the poor noble had troubles with his random hormonal needs, as sometimes it wasn't at the right place or time, and sometimes from things he didn't want to exactly accept. Obviously for a boy, having random 'issues' and 'wants' was totally normal, as the bump in his pants meant he was healthy, though that bulge wasn't exactly helpful or wanted during school. Leo on the other hand, had the same problems but took of it properly whilst Elliot tried his most best to hide the need as he was too disgusted with the fact of ever masturbating. 

"Goodnight Elliot," Leo shot off the lights, making the room pitch black. 

"Goodnight Leo," Elliot croaked back in his tired voice. It was a cold night, the heaters in the dorms all broke down, whilst winter being outside. Elliot was dressed n pants, and a t-shirt, unlike the usual dress ware of just shorts with no shirt. Elliot twitched against the pain between his legs. Not now.. Elliot thought, then groaned audibly. He laid on his back, looking at the ceiling as his eye sight got used to the dark naturally. I can't go to sleep like this! Elliot thought angrily, then heaving a harsh long breath. A light beside Elliot flickered on and he saw Leo leaning back from the lamp, his eyes looking at Elliot.

"Elliot, do you want help?" Leo asked, innocence in his obviously not innocent tone.

"Huh?" Elliot asked, confusion in his eyes. Leo smiled softly and got out of bed and Elliot sat up, wondering what Leo was planning.

"Geez Elliot, I don't think its very healthy to always ignore that, like that," Leo sat on his bed, Elliot's face was going pale. "And clearly you aren't going to do it yourself, would you like me to help you?" Leo's eyes peaked out from is ridiculously long bangs. Elliot gave no answer as his mind was too tired and in too much need to comprehend his valets question.

"What?" Elliot asked, his throat dry. Leo pulled the covers off Elliot, showing his bump in his pants. 

"Do you want me to help you with that?" Leo's voice was low, it sent a shiver down his masters spine.

"L-Leo!! No it's fine, you don't need to do that," Elliot tried to lay back down.

"It's part of my duty, is it not?" Leo asked, something in his eyes which Elliot couldn't figure out.

"N-no! At least that's not what it is to me! It's not your job!" Elliot was furiously blushing from Leo's offer. 

"I mean, if you want to suffer the night, then do so, don't complain tomorrow morning you couldn't sleep," Leo started getting up.

"F-fine..." Elliot gave in, not making eye contact with his valet as a blush was just becoming darker on his cheeks. Leo sat back down, then carefully taking off Elliot's pants and boxers. Elliot twitched as he finally felt the pressure gone from his hips as the clothes was disregarded. The room was still cold. Leo wrapped his hand around Elliot, earning a gasp of surprise from him. Leo then started moving his hands. Elliot's air caught in his throat, his hands digging in to the sheets. Leo silently moved jerked his hand up and down, a small smirk playing at his lips. Whilst Elliot was a moaning mess, his cheeks darkly flushed with his mind spinning from his valets touch. 

It was only a few minutes before Elliot climaxed on his valets hands. Elliot's body was shaking, his breathes rigid, pants escaping his lips. Leo got up and washed his hand. Leo then helped Elliot clean up after Elliot recovered a bit from his climax. 

"Okay well... I'm going to--" Leo started. Elliot grabbed his valet and pressed their lips together. Leo instantly pulled away. "Elliot what..." Leo's voice trailed off once Elliot has his hands on both sides of his valet's face. Elliot tried to kiss him again but Leo turned his head away. "Stop." 

"S-sorry.." Elliot's voice shook. Leo's bangs covered his teary eyes. 

On that sad note, the two boys went to sleep, disregarding the situation that just happened. Elliot felt a few tears come out of his eyes, he thought.. 

Leo was startled awake, a whimper escaping his lips as he sat up and covered his drenched in sweat face. It was that same dream again, nightmare if correctly stated.

Being raped, by that man. Being touched, being jerked off. Loosing his virignity the worst way, the most painful way. His body feeling weak. 

Leo found himself walking over to Elliot's bed before he could comprehend it, and he sneaked in to the others bed, getting under the covers. It was almost as if Elliot was awake as he wrapped his arm around the smaller raven haired boy. Leo within seconds felt his eyes closing, as his mind gave in to sleep again.

Elliot had been awake when Leo got in to his bed, a smile was on Elliot's face as he felt his valet relax.

The next morning, Leo was the first to awake. He nuzzled his face in to the warmth he felt against his cheeks, still being half asleep to realize who the warmth was coming from. Leo slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times, then looking up only to have a blush tint his cheeks. He was pressed against Elliot, who had been hugging him. Leo tried to wiggle out of the awfully warmth situation, only to be face to face with him. Leo felt himself relax as he was face to face with his master, who was breathing slowly, his eyes shut, peace over his face. 

Leo leaned in and pecked his lips gently, not being able to resist the want, then cuddling up close to the male from embarrassment. To Leo's fear, he felt Elliot's hand move, now only to be in his hair. Leo froze, his heart stopping from fear. Elliot exhaled a heavy breath before lifting Leo's chin up to meet his own. 

Elliot leaned in again, softly pressing his lips against the raven. Leo finally, had given in and kissed the other back, receiving a small smile. Elliot brushed his cheek, not breaking the kiss. Elliot broke the kiss to brush some locks out of Leo's face.

"So, what made you come cuddle up to me in the middle of the night?" Elliot asked, a smirk tugging at his lips. Leo's peaceful and relaxed face changed, it changed to fear and anxiety. Leo averted his gaze, responding with silence. "A nightmare?" Elliot asked, his voice soft. Leo gave him a small nod. Elliot ran his finger against his valets cheek in comfort. Leo closed his eyes, giving Elliot a small sigh. "I wont hurt you, Leo," Elliot whispered, gently in to his ear. Leo felt a small blush form his cheeks. 

Speaking of which, Elliot had been blushing the entire time, his cheeks being tinted a slight red. Leo opened up his eyes a little, in shock and embarrassment from his masters words.

"No, thats not what it was.." Leo's voice was croaky due to the long moment of not speaking. "It's just..." Leo lowered his eyes, not wanting to look at Elliot for that moment. 

Cute.... Elliot's cheeks were tinted red in the process. "Just?" Elliot questioned, making the smaller male start shaking. 

"He was touching me, he wouldn't stop.. It hurt. It hurt so bad.. I.. couldn't stop him, it hurt," Leo's voice was cracking. Elliot kissed his forehead and cheeks in comfort. Leo's chest twinged at the affection he was receiving. Leo's cheeks were tinted pink. 

"I wont hurt you," Elliot repeated once more, as if to reassure him. Leo smiled and leaned his head against him.

"I know, idiot," 

Leo kissed him again, Elliot pulling him closer. A short kiss, not a needy or sloppy kiss, just a warm, soft kiss full of love.

"I might consider sleeping with you more if this is what I will receive every morning," Leo teased, from Elliot's affection and cuddles.

"I wouldn't mind that,"

Both males were blushing, a nervous smile on Elliot, a small smile on Leo. Blue eyes, and purple with gold sparks eyes, locked. 

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