🐱 : 3

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Let's get straight into the story huh


"B-But-" "Boss leave the poor boy-" "Alone," the twins say blandly. They didn't need Tamaki scaring a new toy away so soon.

"Hush you shady twins!" The twins stared at him blankly as he continues to rant.

Sighing Haruhi pulls Emmanuel to the side "I'll just introduce everyone. Those twins are Hikaru and Karou. Next, the blonde boy is Tamaki" "Yes, I know him and Kyoya," he whispers out. But he really wishes he didn't. "Huh," is all Haruhi says. "Well other than them there's-" "Haru-chan, Haru-chan!"

A sweet voice filled with laughter reaches Emmanuel's ears and he turns to see where the noise is coming from.

"Oh, Honey-senpai," Emmanuel then sees a small boy, about 4'9 if he's correct, with blonde hair and big round brown eyes. And behind him is a tall man.

Blinking the boy shakes slightly, he looks frightening.

Blinking Honey stops to see a cute frightened girl "Who's that girl," after those words leave his mouth Emmanuel feel tears prick at his eyes "You think I'm a girl?" Honey then freezes looking at the girl who looks like she'll cry at any moment as her lips tremble "Uh uh I'm sorry! Is that bad?!" Honey was freaking out slightly he didn't know why that pretty girl was crying at his words.

Tamaki seeing what was happening comes over and sweeps Emmanuel off his feet "My poor baby girl," that then sets him over the edge. "Wahhhhh," everybody jumps a little.

Kyoya seeing what's happening walks over "Emmanuel is a boy Tamaki and Mitsukuni," blinking they look at him closely. You could tell...kind of.

"Don't cry my little prince daddy is here."


"Huh, he-" "Wahhhhhh, papaaaaaa."

The twins blink rapidly at the scene "Look what you did boss," they come over to take the boy away "You made him cry more."

"I'm-I'm sorry please don't cry...," Tamaki never really dealt with kids so he didn't know how to deal with him right now.

Trying to blink away his tears, Emmanuel looks into Tamaki's desperate purple eyes. With a trembling lip he takes a deep breath and whispers out "I-It's f-fine," he chuckles sadly "I'm just a huge baby," he then feels his lips trembling more.

I should've just stayed with papa.

"No my son isn't! You're a really strong boy," he shouts squeezing the boy and swinging him.

His eyes soften at Tamaki's words.

"Ughhhh, senpai let him go!" Haruhi huffs out. Really he makes enough problems as it is. And she's feeling slightly protective of the young boy.

Pouting he goes sulks in his corner "My own daughter doesn't love me..."

"That was quite-" "A scene you made," blinking and feeling his heart speed up from being nervous he fidgets "I'm just being overdramatic.... I'm sorry," he breathes out.

"Here! You can hold Usa-chan!" Honey holds out his bunny, he felt bad for the boy. He looks so frightened and tired. Looking down slightly Emmanuel takes the bunny. "T-Thank you..." "Oh! My name is Mitsukuni or you can call me Honey! And that's Takashi but we call him Mori!" "T-Thank you Mitsukuni-san..." Honey then feels his face heat up from the stuttering boy in front of him. Adorable.

Letting the blush fade he grins widely "You're welcome Em-chan," blinking slowly Emmanuel nods to the nickname.

"So, what did you want him for Kyoya senpai?"

Emmanuel was starting to wonder that too.

Pushing his glasses up, the group sees a glint and knows why he's there "Of course, to be a guest-" "There's an "or" to this isn't it?" Haruhi deadpans.

His schemes never seem to surprise her now.

"Heh, or to be a host....no pressure," he sentence ended with a dark tone. Sending shivers down the young boy's spine.

"U-Uwa, uh, I'd r-rather be a guest..."

"If that is what you want...so which type will it be? The-" "He'll have me," with that, Haruhi drags him off.

Is she the only normal one?

At the question, he bites on his lip thinking of his whole situation.

What have I gotten into?


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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