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My insecurity came from brutality. My kindness came from blissful hopings.

   "We can't just get rid of her, can we?"

   "No, are you crazy! She's still my niece and might I remind you a child at that. Just... Contact your brother, he'd probably think up of something for her with those crazy inventions of his."

   It may have been years now, and then being so entirely young, though the memory still stings to this day.


    "(y/n) could you be a dear and pick up these items at the market today, I'm afraid I'm too busy preparing and I'm afraid Herb is at work until 5." She proceeded to hand you a list of a few food items.

   "Yes auntie." You gave her a reply back. Immediately you take to leave the house though it's seems she had something else to say.

  "Wait another moment." She soon left towards a drawer in the kitchen and took out a bit of cash. "Here is the money to buy it and they'll probably be a little extra for you to spend or keep, whichever. Also don't forget to say hi to the old man for me."

  "Yah, yah." With that you left to the market, sure to grab a bubble to float there.

At the market you did as told, picked up the ingredients and told the old man who sold produce hello. On your way back a young girl stopped you. This was in fact, normal.

"Wow! Miss can I touch you scales?" Everyone was seemingly astounded by the scales along your tail, truly enthralled by it's beauty.

   "Go ahead, I don't mind." With those words a few more children who where in hiding came out to touch them too.

  "There so pretty and shiny!"

   "They say the princess is the prettiest though you might have the prettiest scales. I'm sure of it!"

"Yah! Definitely!"

"Thank you so much for the flattering words." You thanked the children. "I have to hurry home though, my Aunt will through a fit since she's throwing a celebration for her brother-in-law." The children pouted at this.

Out of the left over money you gave each child enough for a few pieces of candy, they seemed even more ecstatic about that.

"Now go buy some candy and go play since I have to go." They weren't as upset now.

You eventually did leave them and got back home before your aunt started to freak out seeing as it's getting later and later. There was nothing else to do except wait for your two uncles to get to the house. In decision you went to lay on your bed and daydreamt of better times.


   At the loud noise you woke up startled and heart racing. Looking around it was just Uncle Parlor making his normal grand and stunning entrance.

   "Stop doing that you crazy idiot! It has to be the way I'll die someday!" Panic overrode you in a hurry.

"Now now sea-lover don't fret it's only I your amazing uncle Parlor."

"Crazy old man." You mumbled grumpily. Before anyone knew it your other uncle, Herb, stood behind Parlor to give him a slight threat as his tricks are getting quite old. This made Parlor cower in fear and retreated towards the dining area.

   "Thank you uncle Herb." You sighed out as he gave a grin of 'your welcome' and continued to the dining area as well. Deciding now, you should probably take their lead.

   "And now... To Parlor's greatest achievement yet... Getting approved by the king!" Loud cheers could be heard from the Aunt and her brother-in-law, you and Herb stayed silent though where happy about his success nonetheless.

   Everything was fun, and a little awkward do to Parlor doing his weird 'magic tricks.' It soon got a lot quieter when Parlor shut his loud mouth and started to talk to you.

   "(Y/N). I have to go back to the castle tomorrow, I really need to bring you along... You know..." He tried to dodge the touchy subject and only implied it, you understood fully well what he was mentioning. "Don't forget to bring that too."

   "Okay.. I got it..." You said slightly more depressed then earlier.

  "I'm sorry-" you cut him off quickly, not wanting to hear to silly man's apologies.

   "It's fine. I'll go get some rest, important things are usually in the morning. I'm assuming this is too?"

  "Yeah. Sleep well." He felt bad for mentioning anything close to the subject.

A Hundred Pendants On the Sea BedWhere stories live. Discover now