Confession, Jallen's Mission

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The island Yuk inhabits was in the process of being cleared out, many of his living followers and those of Frust Congo had been arrested; some sent to prison again, members from Frust Kongo had been deported and imprisoned in South Africa. The men that Black Shadow marked as traitors, wanted redemption and they followed Gardano. Gardano, Tala, and Sara accompanied Lydia, who led to the Triads with Lydia. With Sonny Wu in custody, Tonz and the others felt happy that things are going their way, as with Yashki he was extremely happy that his sister is back.

Black Shadow use to be a gang that was unknown to many, some even called it a ghost who kidnapped children and adults alike in the past, but since Bianca and friends meddling with the gang, people are able to open their eyes and see Black Shadow was using technology to trick people, having connections and bribing them to provide cover, and the use of meta-humans, along with more things. Sun Lee Yuk's death also crippled the whole human trafficking underworld altogether, for he as the big man when it came to these things. Cyberpunk, who was alive, had been sent to a prison where he was treated and interrogated, but they were unable to get answers from him for Cyberpunk pretending that he was used, since this information was in fact true, however, he was jailed for his previous crimes involving murder.

Yuk's right hand man, The Clerk, was also jailed with Cyberpunk. He admitted into helping Yuk kidnap people for years, as well as taking part in the killing of a orphanage house owner, along with Cyberpunk; both of them having offensive stacked upon them for they made the orphanage fire look like an accident, and the people who were part of the orphanage were able to bring their case against them. Yuk's corpse was taken to a morgue in Hong Kong, but the corpse was vaporized once the Chinese forensic teams were done with it, as well as the team wrapping up at the late man's Estate.

Bianca was nowhere to be seen until later that day, she returned to the Triad hideout. Yashki thanked Bianca and friends for saving his sister, and Tonz told Bianca that if she is going to take down the remainder of Black Shadow, that everyone from the Triad will join her to the very end. Later that night, Bianca was just done talking to her uncle and father via hologram face time and Gardano confronted her, with Momoko and Lydia. Gardano confessed to Bianca, telling her he is sorry for all that he has done, adding that when they first met a long time ago, he took risks to make sure those who were kidnapped by Black Shadow did not suffer, trying his best to prevent it, including having Bianca flee when she as young. He stated if Bianca had never escaped probably all of them would not be here right now. Momoko and Lydia told Bianca the risks Gardano took to help them, but Bianca knew. She went over to Gardano and hugged him, stating that the Black shadow will not hurt him or anyone else when justice is taken to Borojei's doorstep.

Days later, Brian and Bianca went to visit Shen. Bianca's uncle was not oblivious to what was going on, and explained that he knows, that he had a feeling. He knew Bianca was The Steel Maiden, and he said to her when will she tell Wei, her father about what is going on, stating if anything happens to her it will be obvious to him and everyone else. Then she talked with Brian alone, and Brian knew what had to gone down at Yuk's Estate.

Bianca told Brian even though the men she killed were criminals, she still had blood on her hands, and that taking a life changed her. Brian stated when he was doing missions for the CIA, many unexpected things happen, adding that just like her, he was training with the CIA because he was chosen for a program they had, that accepting it is also accepting what must be done. He stated that before his team separated, he had seen and done things himself, hence why when he was on break he moved to Thailand. Brian tried to cheer her up by telling Bianca she is saving lives and she is to keep doing just that, to not let such things bother her. Bianca then stated that if something has to be done for the greater good, she is now willing to do what it takes as long as she is walks the earth.

Meanwhile, Jallen had been given a mission by Borojei sometime ago. She went to Beijing during the evening hours as it was drizzling outside. She infiltrated the location she was told to go to and kill all those who knew about the nanotechnology program that enhanced Bianca and Borojei, the only two to survive this secret project, since Borojei suspected that all the scientists knew, but truly there was only one mastermind behind the resources for the projects.

No one knew who Jallen was until a random guard saw a woman in a lab coat, who kept her head down as she walked. When the guard went to check for authorization, Jallen looked up at the man, causing the man to be stunned in fear, for seeing someone, a geisha of all place at random spooked him, Jallen nearly killed the man and she forced him into a room, slashing away at him, leaving him to die, then she shambled her way deeper into the facility, using the information that Borojei had given her. Jallen burst into the main research and development room on the floor, before anyone could react; she began killing people with shadowy construct claws stemming from her hands. Jallen nearly killed Hanz, thinking he is dead, she moves on to the next target, killing the rest as she chants her own name in Japanese repeatedly and blaming the victims for actions of an unknown event that is only known to Jallen herself. Jallen's actions caused Beijing officials to be on high alert, and suspected that this was retaliation to Yuk's death in Hong Kong days ago, that it is a message that was to be seen by everyone. Hanz, who survived the attack, was not a fighter, but he was able to play dead until officials started to swarm the area, but Jallen escaped being disguised as a security guard while getting out of a window which she busted open. When the coast was clear, she took off her the disguise and officially fled the scene. Hanz knew he had to go find Bianca immediately. Ashe tried to leave the area, he saw a Chinese woman lying on the ground, who had gone into shock from bleeding out. Hanz walked up to her to see if he could help, but the woman had already died, causing Hanz mourns her death, as well as his colleagues. Hours later, Hanz, who was shaken by the ordeal, managed to use first aid resources from his car to patch up some of his injuries. He kept thinking about what just happen and several minutes later, he contacted Brian, who was about to leave to Hong Kong with Bianca, causing the duo to change plans and go seek out Hanz. Bianca and Brian were unaware of what took place, but later were informed about it via news and hologram feeds, in addition to what Hanz had told them when they located him.

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