A bot

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Hi my name is Jin,worldwide handsome, beauty to bless your eyes...and im robotic.

Abot me (get it? A bot me?)

-i am funny
-i can cook (fight me on this)
-i can sing (well not heavy metal or stuff but i rap like JayZ so human believe me im talented)

So you wonder how did i became robotic?

Simple. One day i woke up and they said ''look that robot is still alive,wow,amazing''( did i metioned that im also amazing?)
Yeah...so they showed me around the factory and thats a fact (*muahawahawrxlsturauofysipdrkpditxlct *) this building was huge.

Yeah so then i started to work there for about 2 years. And now im here under the bridge,being homeless.

A/p hellllo from the other sideeee(u aint human if u dont luv adele) so how are you? So far what do u think a bot (muahwaha sorry not sorry) this story?
Anyways have a nice day/night amazing human! (I feel rly happy rn)

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