Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Mia's POV

I walked slowly out of Simon's office, trying to process what just happened. It was one of those 'things', where you felt happy and excited but nervous and worried at the same time. And that is how I felt at the moment. But I had to keep them bottled up, and not show my true feelings to anyone. Since his royal highness told me not to tell anyone about our 'little' chat until he said I could.

I made my way out of the hallway and back to the chill out room I had previously been in. I noticed Becky and Niamh weren't in the room, but all the boys still were. Taking a step into the area where they were, they all silenced and turned to face me.

"Weren't talking about me were you?" I said it coming out a little more sarcastic then I wanted it be.

"No!" Louis and Niall replied quickly... a little too quickly. Im probably just being paranoid.

"Where did Niamh and Becky go?" I questioned them.

"They went to go get lunch I think" the guy with short black hair said, I turned to look at him as he talked. As I looked away I saw him wink at me out the corner of my eye. Did he just? Wink, at me? Weirdo. Siting down, finally, James turned his head around the corner of the door, which meant we had to do something.

"Hi boys, Si said you should spend some time with Mia, make friends, hang out, go out for lunch, get to know each other better" he stated. Soon all the boys looked at each other and agreed with James to 'get to know me better'.

"So...what you wanna do?" I asked slightly feeling awkward, taking a sudden interest in my surroundings. As I looked at them, they all started to creep forward towards me, all staring me in the eye. I would be wrong to say that I wasn't a little bit scared of this situation. They kept creeping until they were about 30cm away from me.

"Are you ticklish?" Harry broke the tense silence, and then I knew what they were up to.

I widened my eyes and started moving backwards shaking my head, in an attempt to get away from these monsters. But they saw straight through me and dived to tickle me.

The room was soon filled with my screeches as five boys tickled my stomach. I think I kicked Harry and Liam ,where the sun don't shine in a desperate attempt to get away, because they fell to the ground. Soon enough i was gasping for air, screeching, for someone to stop the remaining three from tickling me. i had to get away from them or i might die from lack of oxygen.

I tried to pull myself up off the sofa, instead my foot got tangled in Louis' leg and we fell to the ground. Me landing on top of him.

"Er sorry" i said between awkward laughs and gasps for air

Louis POV

She tried to pull herself up, but she got tangled and we fell to the ground her landing on top of me.

"Er sorry" i herd a voice say, but i was too focused on her to listen. The way her brown hair frames her face and her eyes shine in the light, shes beautiful. Me and Niall were talking about her earlier, before she rudely interrupted. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she spoke again.

"Um can i get up please" then i noticed i had my arms around her waist. Great me daydreaming and hugging Mia. She must think I'm a complete weirdo

"Yeah, sorry" i attempted to make this situation al little less awkward, but it failed. "So, we should do something, err what about truth or dare?" This should make things interesting. I know for a fact that Harry likes that Becky girl, ill be a mate an help him out with that.

"Ok, lets just wait for Becky and Niamh" Mia said. As if on cue Becky and Niamh walked through the door. Mia walked over to them and hugged them, whispering to them about something.

"Shall we crack on, and play truth or dare?" Harry kinda asked, kinda stated. We all sat in a circle. Mia, Becky and Niamh were sat next to each other. Zayn sat next to Mia then it was Harry, then Liam, then me then Niall who was next to Niamh.

"Ok, whos first then?" Niamh asked taking a bottle from her bag.

"Who ever the bottle lands on has to do the truth or dare" Mia continued

"Yeah, yeah we've played before" Harry said. It started with Niamh she spun the bottle and it landed on Becky.

"Truth or dare Becky?" Niamh asked


"Who's your favourite out of us?" Harry asked pointing to me and the rest of the boys.

Mia's POV

I knew who Becky's favourite was, and i knew she didn't want to say. Becky is the shy one of the group, especially when we around people. If you're on your own with her, shes hyper, crazy even.

"Err, this is hard because i love you all, but it has to be Harry" Becky answered the question. I'm sure i saw Harry put his thumbs up to Louis, Harry was smiling a lot as well. Hmm i wonder if he likes Becky? I'll ask him later.

Next it was Niall's turn to spin the bottle. The bottle went around and around, eventually landing on me of course.

"Truth or dare?" Niall asked me

"I don't know..." I replied

"Ok then both!" Louis said

"Ok, i don't think i really have a say in this matter" i said to Becky mostly

"Who do you like the most out of us boys?" Of course, this is what i get for playing truth or dare with a bunch of boys.

"Um, I'll have to say either Louis or Zayn" i replied. I then saw Louis and Zayn look straight at each other.

"Dare time, i dare you to kiss...louis, if you don't you have to run down this hallway naked!" Harry said.

Thanks Harry, way to make things awkward. Before i had a chance to protest to Harry's dare, i was sat in front of Louis. He leaned over so our faces were just centimetres away.

"You don't have to kiss me if you don't want, i don't want to pressure you" louis whispered. I didn't know what to say, i was still trying to figure out why this had escalated so quickly.

He then leant in even more, closing the space between us, joining our lips together.

Fireworks lite up inside me, as soon as his lips came in to contact with mine, sent shivers down my spine.

The kiss felt like a second long, before i pulled away. I didn't want to but i don't want him or anyone getting the wrong idea. It's not like I'm completely in love with Louis, or am I.

As i tried to process what happened, i heard some ahh's and woo's, thanks Niamh. I was just about to move back to my seat in the circle when he whispered again.

"Did you feel that spark too?"



Sorry, ive been sooo busy i had an exam on tuesday but its over with soo means i can update alot more frequently.

I also saw One Direction and

5 Seconds Of Summer last night!! It was amazing.

Anyways i would love to hear what you think if my book so far, i kinda feel its moving too quickly, please met me know what you think.

Also could you please read my best friends book its called 'Knock on the door' her names NatNat45. Its an amazing Niall fanfic!!

And my friends books, her names

'-killer-' and her books are:

•Gangsters (harry fanfic)

•Drugs (Luke hemmings fanfic)

They're really good :)

Thanks please comment vote and share, ill update when i can



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