Chapter 1

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The day started off normal for Jungkook.

As normal as normal can get for him.

The bright light shone through the clear glass as it reached the sleeping face of a boy. A small groan was heard throughout the room, as the said boy put a pillow over his face to block every ounce of light peeking through his eyelids. A couple of minutes went by as the boy was close to falling back asleep. Though all of a sudden a loud knocking could be heard as a voice yelled from outside his bedroom door.

"Jungkook-ah! Get up, you have work! If you're not ready soon I'm going without you!" His roommate, and friend, Jin called.

That instantly made Jungkook bolt upright as he knew Jin would stay true to his word.

The raven haired boy slowly crawled out of bed, as he stood up and stretched. He yawned and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before heading towards his wardrobe. He threw on an oversized hoodie and jeans while fixing his hair in the mirror.

He stared at himself, checking he looked at least descent enough to go outside. He just shrugged deciding he looked fine before heading towards the kitchen.

As he entered the kitchen, he saw Jin sitting at the table staring at his phone. The boy cleared his throat, catching the elders attention.

"Jungkook-ah, you're finally ready! I have to start work in 15 minutes and I also need to drop you off. Grab something to eat and hurry," Jin answered, while collecting his things and headed towards the door.

Jungkook answered with a small 'yeah' as he grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl sitting on the counter. He took a bite of it as he followed Jin out the house.

Jin slowed the car to a stop as he and Jungkook got out. The elder sighed at the state of the boy, with his hair messy and clothes scruffled. He shook his head at the younger.

Jungkook finished off the apple as he got in a stance to throw the apple core into a bin a couple meters away. He slowly pulled his arm back and threw it towards the target only to hear a satisfying crinkle of the plastic bag indicating the apple found its way inside. He began cheering for himself before he felt a slap on the back of his head.

Jungkook rubbed the back of his head and pouted.

"Ow, what was that for?" The boy whined.

The elder answered sternly with a hint a playfulness in his tone.

"Stop showing off, you're embarrising me."

Jungkook just mumbled, as he lightly punched the elder on his arm.

"Hey I'm your hyung! Treat me with respect!" Jin pouted.

The boy just laughed as the elder started mumbling insults.

"Ah I better get to work hyung. You also better go, you don't want to be late on your first day," Jungkook said cheerfully.

Jin's face represented one of shock as he rembered the time.

"Aish you're right kookie, hyung better go. I need to make a good first impression, but it shouldn't be hard with this face. Wish me luck!"

Jin practically yelled as he ran back to the car and started the engine.

The boy just sighed and gave a thumbs up as he watched his hyung drive away.

Jungkook turned and headed towards the cafe, in which he was a waiter at.

When the boy arrived at the door he saw his one and only best friend standing there.

"Aish, what took you so long kook? Manager is in a pretty bad mood and I don't think you helped. He told me to tell you to go and see him in the back room." Yugyeom warned him.

Jungkook just sighed. 'Great' he thought. He may have to use his puppy dog eyes if manager was angry.

"Ah thanks Yugie for warning me. I better go and see him before he gets more mad," Jungkook told his best friend.

Yugyeom whispered a 'good luck' to his friend as he went back to waiting tables.

Jungkook sighed as he went to get changed into his uniform.

Once the boy was changed he headed towards the back room where the manager normally resides.

The managers head turned at the sound of a door and slightly glared at the younger standing in front of him.

"Jungkook! This is the third time your late this week! You should know better. You've been working here for ages, yet you don't know-" the manager was yelling before he got cut off.

"I'm really, really sorry sir! It won't happen again, I promise," Jungkook begged as he gave his famous puppy dog eyes.

The managers facial expression softened as he sighed.

"Fine. Dont do it again, or else. Now get back to work, we have a full house this morning," the elder said as he shooed the younger out of the room.

The boy just smiled as he bowed and left the room.

Once he left the room he gave a sigh of relief that it was over and finished quickly.

He grapped his notepad and pen before heading to a nearby table to start his shift.

The raven haired boy worked long and hard until the sun slowly lowered beyond the horizon leaving the sky in darkness.

Jungkook served people from a little boy to an elderly woman, taking each order with a friendly smile, until the final customer left.

Only he remained, as all of their co-workers have left for the night.

Since today was Friday he had a longer shift than usual. Though he should be glad he at least got a job, especially in such a nice place.

Jungkook got changed back into his beloved hoodie and jeans while he waited outside for Jin to pick him up.

After a good 10 minutes of waiting he saw the said male drive up to the curb in which the younger was standing on.

"About time. I've been waiting for half an hour, maybe more," Jungkook exaggerated, as he got into the car.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say," the elder sighed as he started the journey home.

A comfortable silence soon followed as one was focused on driving and the other staring out the window.

"I could really go for some ramen right now," Jin spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Yeah I agree. Can we stop off a shop and get some? Pwetty pwease, Jinnie hyung?" Jungkook said in a baby voice while doing puppy eyes at the end.

Jin pinched Jungkooks cheeks as he replied, "aish, how can I say no to this face?"

Jungkook cheered as he butt jumped on his seat. Jin shook his head at Jungkooks behaviour and chuckled to himself.

The elder carried on driving, making a mental note to stop off at the nearest covieniance store to pick up some of the heavenly food, also known as ramen.

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