Superfruit Love Is Powerful

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(A/N: HimynameisAbby/AbigailK.Julien andIwantedtowritethisbookbecause I thought Icouldbesuccessfulandgoodatsomething, butwhat? AndumIwasinspiredbySuperfruit and Pentatonixandotherwritersonthisapp/website. Andyea.
(blowkiss) GoodBBBYYYeEE!)

This is making me crazy! I love Scott some much, but we're friends and I don't want to ruin our friendship. I mean like I met him when I was 10! PLUS I don't know if he loves me back! I'm worried, scared, I don't think I should ask him out. Or should I? I don't know! I need help...... KRISTIE!!!!! Yes I can call or text her and come over. I'm smart!

While laying in my bed, I get my phone and text Kristie:
"Hey Kri Kri! can I come over to your house? I'm having trouble with something, can u help plzzzz :("

Then in a minute she replied:
" Yea sure honey. What's the problem?"

"I'll tell you when I come. I'll be there in 20!"

"Kay see u there!"

I checked my phone if the battery was good,
'40%' it said.
'Damn it!' I thought. 'I'llbringthecharger.' I check if Scott was awake, he was in his bed, just sleeping there, cute as he can be. Any who , I took a 5 minute shower, put on a sweater, benie, skinny jeans, and crocks. What? I was in a rush!

I ran to the car, start the engine, then blasted on so Beyonce, of course, and drove my car to Kristie's house. I checked the time on my phone, '6:48' it said.

I knocked on her beautiful door, waited for like 20 seconds. Then I saw Kristie and her morning face.

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