Chapter 1: Finding Out

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Third Person POV

It was currently 11 PM and the pink-haired male was still up studying. His boyfriend was fast asleep on their shared bed, drool starting to dribble down his chin. He had been asleep for about an hour now giving Jimin the reassurance that he wouldn't wake up and catch him. He had a pacifier in his mouth which he used when he was extremely stressed. It helped him relax faster and sometimes even worked to calm his nerves.

Hoseok would stir in his sleep every once in a while causing Jimin's nerves to skyrocket each time.  It had been seven months since Hoseok had become his roommate, three since they started dating. A couple weeks into their relationship, the brown-haired boy had declared that Jimin sleep in his room. From then on, they had been sleeping in the same bed but never anything more which he was glad for because he was afraid he would fuck up and slip into little space. 

As he sucked on his pacifier, he couldn't help but feel guilty that he was keeping this secret from his boyfriend. Shame and fear took over though and he completely dismissed that thought. He continued on studying until he couldn't keep his eyes open and his pacifier fell out of his mouth.


The next morning, Hoseok wakes up to the sight of his beautiful boyfriend sleeping peacefully at his desk. He gets out of their comfy king-sized bed slipping on his slippers and walking towards the pink-haired male to wake him up. 

Just as he's about to shake him awake, his eyes zero in on the pacifier lying next to his boyfriend's mouth. His eyes widen in shock. Why would Jimin be carrying around something like this? Well there's no use standing around. He shrugs and decides to ask him about it once he's awake. 

He shakes him a little bit and says, "Jimin, baby, wake up."

Jimin stirs a bit and groans but doesn't get up. Hoseok then proceeds to pepper his face with kisses while saying things like "Wake up" and "Wakey wakey" until finally Jimin opened his tired eyes. He rubbed the sleep out of them and let out a cute, tiny yawn that Hoseok couldn't help but awe at. 

As soon as Jimin seemed fully conscious of what was going on, he pointed at the item on the desk and asked, "Hey, um, what's the baby pacifier for?"

He watched as his boyfriend's eyes widened once he realized what he was talking about.

"Oh, um t-that. That's m-my friend's. Yeah, my friend's! H-he wanted me to l-look at it and think about m-my future c-child," Jimin replied, stuttering while doing so.

"I don't believe you."

"W-what do you mean?"

"You stutter when you lie, Jimin. So, no, I don't believe you when you say that it's your friend's. So whose is it really? Is it yours?" Hoseok asked skeptically.

"Please don't be mad at me!" The pink-haired man pleaded, bowing while keeping his eyes shut tight.

"Why would I be mad at you, baby? Please explain to me" The older boy begged, lifting the younger's face up by his chin.

The cotton candy-haired boy looked his boyfriend straight in the eyes and asked, "Do you know what a little is?"

"A little? As in little space with the whole daddy and caregiver thing?" Hoseok questioned confusedly.

"Yeah that."

"What about it?"

"I'm a little."


Hoseok was in shock. His eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open. His boyfriend of three months just confessed that he's a little. Now, he didn't know much about it but what he did know was that he wasn't into that whatsoever.

"Please say something," Jimin pleaded with his head hung low and on the verge of tears.

"I-I don't know what to say. I  mean, I do and it's that I'm not into that whole Daddy/Little thing but like, really? You're a little? Why didn't you tell me, Jimin?" Hoseok rambled, only breaking the younger's heart further. 

"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you. I kept it hidden for so long because I knew you didn't like it. You don't realize this but you've subtlety made snide remarks about little space and their caregivers so I knew I could never tell you," the youngest replied, a broken tone in his voice. 

"I'm sorry."

"I know," he whispered.

Silence again.

"Let's go make breakfast, yeah?" The younger suggested, painting a smile onto his face.

He skipped out the door and into the kitchen, humming a happy tune. The older followed him out, the usual pep in his step missing.

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