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•~•~•~•~•~•~ Last Time ~•~•~•~•~•~•

{No POV}

She smiled sweeter than ever at him and kissed him on the lips while circling her arms around his neck.

"I forgave you and began to love you a long time ago... Gajeel.." She replied.

He smiled contently and did his laugh as they pressed their foreheads together. Listening to the soothing sound of their heart beating in sync and the exceeds in the room besides theirs talked to each other with love.

"Levy... I love you..." He whispered awkwardly trying to 'keep some manliness' as Elfman would put it.

She smiled.

"I love you too... Gajeel.."


{Juvia POV}

Juvia was extremely happy with having recieved a kiss from Gray-sama. Even if accidental. However, Juvia understands that to Gray-sama Juvia's love is just that of a fangirl.

Yet, Juvia understands because Juvia has been hurt before a lot, even if not as much as Gray-sama. It still gives Juvia some understanding of her Darling Prince! Juvia loves Gray-sama therefore Juvia made the difficult choice at the guild a few minutes ago.

Juvia walked out after apologizing sincerely.

Juvia enjoyed the kiss very much but she understands that he did not. Therefore Juvia pulled away first and left first.

As Juvia walked out and away from the guild she was stopped by Gray-sama.

"Wait! Juvia!" Gray-sama called out.

Juvia stopped and turned around to see Gray-sama running up to her, flustered and with his clothes on. He noticed Juvia stopping and stopped infront of her. He blushed before clearing his throat in attempts to speak and it was too much.

Juvia blushed furiously at the sight of him blushing but calmed down remembering what has happened with her Gray-sama.

"Um.. I just wanted to talk about what happened in there... I know the kiss---" He spoke before Juvia let herself be serious.

Juvia smiled but cut him off.

"There is nothing Gray-sama should worry about. Juvia won't lie, Juvia enjoyed kissing Gray-sama even if accidental but she knows it was just that. Juvia knows how Gray-sama feels and always has. Juvia knows Gray-sama is not good with showing his feelings and has difficulty expressing them. Juvia will not forget it happened but she won't force herself on Gray-sama." Juvia said to her Gray-sama.

He seemed shocked but slightly frustrated. He was going to speak up but Juvia stopped him again.

"No, Gray-sama, Juvia will not let Gray-sama speak. Juvia knows and can clearly see Gray-sama is not prepared just yet to respond to Juvia's feelings. Even if after kissing accidentally with Juvia he seems to think so. Gray-sama needs to figure himself out, learn to love himself, and then look into his heart before he can even think of responding to Juvia's feelings. Juvia knows and understands this so Juvia is willing to wait however long it takes for Gray-sama to be able to respond to her feelings." Juvia spoke with a smile before walking away again.

As Juvia left she could feel her Gray-sama staring at her in shock.

{Gray POV}

When i went to try and speak to her for the second time after having walked out the guild after her, Juvia cut me off again before i could utter a single word.

"No, Gray-sama, Juvia will not let Gray-sama speak. Juvia knows and can clearly see Gray-sama is not prepared just yet to respond to Juvia's feelings. Even if after kissing accidentally with Juvia he seems to think so. Gray-sama needs to figure himself out, learn to love himself, and then look into his heart before he can even think of responding to Juvia's feelings. Juvia knows and understands this so Juvia is willing to wait however long it takes for Gray-sama to be able to respond to her feelings." Juvia spoke with a smile before walking away again.

As she walked away i couldn't help but reel in shock at what she said to me. Suddenly, Cana came outside and dragged me to the river bank with her.

She sat down making me sit next to her. She was obviously sober and had a sweet smile on her face. It seemed fitting even though it wasn't fitting in the least.

She then spoke.

"She's right you know." She began. "You need to get yourself together Gray, You need to stop dwelling on the past and learn to love yourself and the life you lead now. You also really need to look into your heart. Juvia understands you because she has been hurt badly in the past before. She never shows it because she's happy she has you and us. She did agree to be your "wife" in a sense without actually being a relationship because she loves you enough to understand you and what you want. She's too sweet for her own good at times." Spoke Cana softly.

I sighed. Somehow they are both right. Suddenly a new voice chimed in sitting beside me.

"You got that right Cana... But you know Gray, the place where you should start is first of all learning to love yourself. If you can't love yourself at your worst possible self then you can't love yourself at any other possible self you can achieve or even the one you are right now." Spoke up Alysia.

She smiled and so did Cana as they stood up.

"Good Luck Gray... We believe in you." They said before they headed off to do their own things.

Alysia going off with Fried and Cana going off to the train station to go see Bacchus most likely.

"It would seem those two had the same idea as i and Erza..." Spoke up Jellal with Erza by his side.

"It would seem so... However they didn't seem to go into much detail... You should go to Lyon to start your search." Spoke Erza.


"AHHHHHHH!!!!!! DEMONS!!!!!"

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!! GODS!!!!!"

Several screams suddenly rang out and we looked around to only hear a voice from above us.

It belonged to a God...




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