1-17-18 | An awful slop

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So I'm a girl , basically having a really shitty life . I'm going with my code name Camp and my real name is ******* but I'm not gonna tell you because I like Camp a lot better so let's get started . Okay so today I woke up and my mom woke me up at 7:30 when I told her the night before to wake me up at 5:00 but good thing there was a 2 hour delay , good good thing . So when I went in school today they said to go to your 3rd period class which meant we were gonna have a regular day for the rest of the day which I wished we just had our day shortened by having shorter periods . So in 3rd period I had to take a test which was really easy and boring. During  lunch it was snowing really hard and the fucking teacher would not let us go . Sometimes it just doesn't make any sense . Eventually I'm in advisory, we went outside for like 3 mil-a seconds and they didn't even still let us go home from after it snowing . So in 6th period of course it starts to rain because of the stupid motherfucking sun. So in 7th period I took out my phone the whole period and texted my friend ( the whole period) and almost got caught by the principal. Which is great of course. So in eighth period I got told on by a friend by turning off his computer in class that I didn't even do like WhAT??? So of course after school my mom was late and I had to stand out in the cold by myself for 10 minutes again , how great , how great. So my mom eventually picked me up and I had to go straight to dance and I almost forgot I have company today . So at dance all we did was run dances , but tbh it really wasn't the worst class I've ever had til I felt like I was about to pass out . So after that I hanged out with my friends during break and it was as normal as always . So after break I had another class and it sucked . I'm literally in the back corner the whole dance . For the third time , how great , how great . When class was over I went outside and I got yelled at by my dance teacher and he said " Get inside you have way too many dances to get sick " and he yelled really loud which made me cry and sit in a corner lessening to I fall apart by Post Malone.

So after dance I went home and that's how I'm in bed right now righting this Diary thing . FOR THE FOURTH TIME , HoW GrEaT , hOw GrEaT. 🙃

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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An awful slop 1/17/18Where stories live. Discover now