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"I'm human, I'm no different from you!" I try to squirm from the tall bodyguards grip.

"In that cell, right there." The old lady points, ignoring my attempt. The bodyguard pushes me forcefully into the empty cell, or so I thought. I watch as they shut the door, the bars covering the small window on it. I reach up and try to catch their attention to take me out.

"It's no use," I hear a male voice behind me. "They're metal doors."

I turn around, seeing a tall figure sitting on one of the beds. He stands up and walks towards me, letting my arms go of the cold bars. Why is he here?

"This place is messed up, and don't have enough space for everyone." He says. "That's why we are in the same room."

I look down at my hands, picking on the skin around my nail, "Oh, okay."

"Make yourself comfortable or whatever, I don't care unless you keep the noise level down." He said before walking away.

"Alright." I mumble before walking towards the bed, which is mine now I guess. I sit down on the old bed, causing it to creak loudly.

"Keep it down." He growls from the other side of the room.

"Sorry," I reply. "I'm not trying to."

"Sure." He rolls his eyes. I sit the same way he is, my back against the wall and feet across the bed. There's nothing to do in this room, I rest my head against the wall, looking up at the ceiling. Why am I in here? Oh yeah, because our new president decided it would be better to send all of us young adults into one building because we are crazy apparently. So pretty much ages from 18-20 here and then 20-25 in another part of the country. My parents tried to hide me, but they had records of my birth so it was no use. I was taken last night, but was kept in a separate room while they tested me and gave me some food that I despise.

I hear a knock at the door, "Lights out!"

I watch as the curly headed boy walk towards the light switch and turns it off, causing it to be pitch black. The only light coming from the small window which had bars, causing small strips of lights to come through. But after long, the light also dims out, letting us sleep in complete darkness.

"Good night." I whisper to the boy.

"Night." He mumbles back. I lay down under the covers, there's no pillow causing me to be uncomfortable. I felt something thrown at me, soft. I pick it up, and realize its a pillow. He gave me it?

"Uh, is this yours?" I ask him.

"Your welcome." He says.

"Thanks." I whisper back.

"Mhm." He mumbles. I lie down and instantly feel the cool pillow under my head, making it feel a lot better. The darkness made my eyes weary from trying to see something, and gave out. Making me fall asleep in a new place.


I hear the same knock on the door like last night, "Harry, Irene! Wake up!"

I groan as I put the pillow over my head, blocking out the noise. I hear someone shuffle around the room next to me.

"Get up." Harry says. Since the man who knocked said our names, he's probably Harry.

"Ugh, why?" I groan.

"Because we have a lot to do today." He stands up. I give in and get up, I noticed a pile of clean clothes next to the bed, I pick it up and realize its a uniform. Full body suit. I look up and see Harry sitting on his bed, watching me.

"Is there a bathroom I can change in?" I ask him.

"Nope, we have to wait until they come to our cell. Then we can go and brush our teeth." He explains.

"So I have to change," I say. "Right here, in front of you?"

He smirks, "I guess."

"Can you turn away at least?" I ask.

"Nope." He smirks.

"Fine." I spit. I climb under the covers of the bed, and cover myself and change that way. It wasn't as easy, but better than him seeing me. I don't know him. After I get out and fold the clothes and bed we both sit and wait for our guard to come. He continues staring at me, making me uncomfortable.

"Can you like, not stare at me please?" I ask him as nice as I could.

"That's hard, since you're the only thing to look at in this room." He replies.

He has a point, "Oh."

After a couple of quiet and awkward moments, our guard finally comes. He grabs my forearm tightly and drags me along side him. Harry just follows him. Why am I held onto?

"Hey, Ben. She's okay." Harry tells the bodyguard by the name of Ben.

"You sure?" He asks.

"Yeah." Harry sighs. I felt like I could breathe after he let me go. I rubbed my arm, trying to sooth it as I walked in front of Harry. I looked around the building, there were others just like us walking with their bodyguards. Coming out of their cells, with a blank face.

"Welcome to hell." Harry says in my ear as we enter a large room, with crowds of people our age everywhere.


This was on my previous account called recxrds but I moved it to here bc I needed help writing it, and protima decided to help me with that(:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2014 ⏰

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