Chapter 1 - Drama

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Chapter 1 - Drama

You ever have that feeling where you're a senior, you have a girlfriend/boyfriend, your parents love you, you have a bunch of friends? To sum it all up: a perfect life? Yes? Oh well I don't!

My friends were all fake, my parents hate me, and nobody's interested in me.

Well besides this one girl was, but she moved...

Anyways, my life sucks.  

So its Monday and today, I'm a senior.... Great!

I was wearing black ripped jeans, some vans, a hat that had the words "Lit" imprinted on it, and a black hoodie where the sleeves had a red checkered design and the front said "hopeless".

I walked down the hall of prison, gripping my straps that belong to my black jansport backpack.

Since I was walking fast someone from another hall walked out which made me accidentally bump into them.

"Fucking people these days," I muttered under my breath. I heard a shriek and I looked forward. It was a cheerleader, not just any cheerleader, but the most prettiest cheerleader. Her name was Jordan Blue, I've pretty much had a crush on her since eighth grade.

There were two other cheerleaders, and two jocks, one of the jocks slinging an arm around her neck.

I cleared my throat, "Sorry."

"Better watch where you're going, bitch," the jock, with the arm slinged around Jordan Blue, says.

"No need to be harsh, it was just an accident," I spat, glaring at him.

"Whatever, freak!" One of the girls yelled, and shoved me. I stumbled back but my glare was now fixed on the asshole who is practically wearing nothing.

I looked at Jordan Blue but she was looking at her shoes, it was irritating.

"Fuck off, and watch where you're going Jordan." And with that, I shoved her out of the way and walked faster to my locker.

I swear, this life is getting more and more annoying lately.


It was lunch so I headed towards my locker to get my nutella sandwich . I will never eat the greasy and gross food here, even if my life depended on it.

When I was almost at my locker and had the perfect view of it, someone was there.

You guessed it, Jordan was leaning against it.

I inwardly groan but keep walking.

When she sees me she's about to say something but I cut her off, "Why are you here?"

She frowns, "Sorry about earlier, it's just that my friends always take things seriously when someone who isn't—"

"Let me guess, not popular?" I cut her off again.

"Sorry?" She tries to apologize but I don't say a "it's okay" or a "you're forgiven". You might think because I have a crush on her means something, like: I will always forgive her, I won't ever be mad at her, I stutter around her, or get nervous around her.


"Okay, cool. Leave," I say, waiting impatiently for her to move.

"Why do people have to be so complicated?!" She mutters, trying to say it low enough for me not to hear, but I do.

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