Next week, Steven said can me and you runaway together and no one will came just me and you please Chastity.Chastity said yes we can let go now befor some one see us. So they went to a house and they had sow a kid that lived in the house all alone so Chastity and Steven said that they will keep he and her name is Nicole .But they dont know that Chastity is a vampire so in the night Chastity tock some of there blood and then they both torned as a vampirer and they all was a vampier famiy. Then Channtelle came and Chastity, Steven and Nicole all lived in the house and tocke same blood then they all live as a happy vampire family.But then the really family of Nicole came and said I wont my kid now.Then Chastity said no you are not getting Nicole at all because she is my now because you left her hear and i said to her do you wont to be my girl and she said yes so go away or you are going to died so go now befor you died ok.Then she said if you don't let me see her then you will died forever. Then Chastity and Steven said you do that then you are going to get bite so if i was you go befor you get killed. But then Nicole said if you all going to fite then i will have to shose how to love and me my family and i shose Chastity and Steven as my mum and dad so then the really mumand dad said "I HATE YOU AND YOU ALL CAN GO TO HALL AND I WILL GET THAT KID EVEN IF I HAVE TO KILL ALL THE PEOPLE ON THIS EATH".