Chapter 3

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soo um yes I know this update is WAAAY over due and I can't promise that I'll have regular updates anytime soon because I don't write often because I'm not confident enough when it comes to any of that shit so yeah sorry to those who actually care about this even tho I bet most of the people who started this have given up on but oh well. :^) sorry for being shitty I'll try to update but I don't promise anything and please don't get you're hopes up for regular updates :^\ yeah sorry but also I did try to make this chapter pretty long due to the update being very overdue(like a whole year lol).

also don't ask how Levi can just go all about the school as he pleases cause i don't have a clue...



Sighing, I give Hanji her phone back and plop myself down into a chair,

"So, are we going to get your phone tonight or what?" Hanji asks.

"No, the kid said that it was too late at night for him to go out," I say "but I guess you'll be seeing me again tomorrow for lunch cause that's when I told him to meet me." I tell her.

She turns toward me with the look of an idea in her eyes and says "Hey! You should just invite him to have lunch with us; I'm sure he would oblige to the offer."

"Hanji no, as much as I think the kid would want to come eat lunch with a teacher at his school and a complete stranger," I say sarcastically "I really want to just get my phone and leave." Hanji grumbles and turns away.

"How do I put up with you?" I mumble to myself and turn away.

This person, who just 'annoys' me so, Hanji, has been my friend, dare I say best friend, since at least the beginning of middle school. I don't know how I managed to make a friend like her, we're such opposites, but she's been there for me through some of my roughest times. Hell, I'm sure I couldn't get rid of her if I wanted to.

I get up to walk to my room "I'm gonna get to bed, I don't mind if you stay here, but please i beg you not make a mess." I say stopping in the hallway to hear her talk.

"Ah well considering I finally have the fumes from my failed 'DIY at home science fun' out of my house, I've been pretty eager to finally sleep in my bed for once and not on a couch." She answers.

As I start to drift into sleep, I hear the front door of my small apartment open and shut, Hanji usually leaves a little after I go to bed, I don't know why and I couldn't care any less to hear the reason that's because I trust Hanji more than I probably should. Hanji is a very hyperactive person at times, but worries about people in her life, she's always telling me: 'I need to meet someone, That I'm lonely' my thoughts drift out and I finally fall asleep.


 Sprinting down the familiar street, I can feel my throat starting to burn from the constant running and debris in the air. I see large beings stomping around and eating the dead and the living. My vision blurs out now I have my hands behind me, retained, I'm in a court room of sorts, I shut my eyes and crinkle them then open, to try to get a clear look of what I am looking at .

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