Chapter One

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Not Edited. Thank you for reading this book. I haven't written in years, so I'm a bit rusty. Just thought I'd give it a try again, so bear with me as I find my groove. Appologies for all the grammar and spelling errors! Please give feedback, constructive criticism is all I have time for. Anything else will be ignored. This book will eventually be edited, but for now I just want to get back into writing again. Hope you guys enjoy. Happy Reading :)

"The jet is scheduled to leave at 1, I'll be around before then to pick you up" Liam my cousin says on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, who's all coming?" I ask.

"Me, you, Sam, Connor, Connors mate Beau, and some..."

"Please don't say you invited your flings" I whine, interrupting him. "This happens every time. You sleep with them, they try to tame the beast, you dump them, they cry. You're becoming a bit to predictable Liam."

"Hey hey hey... I don't create the illusion that I want to put a ring on it, I keep it real from the beginning. They know what I want, it's not my fault they have ulterior motives" he defends. "They want a piece of this fine specimen, and I'm only to willing to give it to them"

"Your a pig" I say, wrinkling my nose in disgust.

"A very happy pig... oink oink" he amuses. "One that will be itched in all the right plac..."

"Okay I'm going to hang up now" I threatened.

"Hang on" he laughs. "I'm just playing with you."

"Who's Connors mate?" I ask, changing the subject.

Connor was Liam's brother, he was 5 years older then Liam and I. Growing up in Brisbane we were all really close, and grew up like siblings. My Aunt Helen and Uncle George took me in as a baby when my parents were killed in a car accident. But after Connor finished University, my Uncle George had planned to expand his business over in Western Australia. So Connor moved to Perth, and he has been there ever since running the family business in WA.

"Not sure. I think he's Connors business partner." He related. "We're using his Jet to fly to New Zealand. Dad has an important meeting in Canberra  so we couldn't use his. Connor and Beau will meet us at the airport. Sam's here with me, so me and him will pick you up"

"Okay, sounds good" I smile, really looking forward to this trip. "I'll see you in a few hours, I have to hurry up and pack"

"Don't forget your party undies" he enthuses. "Still can't believe after 4 fucking years of hell, we don't have to step foot in another lecture room again"

"No we don't" I laugh. "But now we have to actually be adults, and work for a living and not live off our Daddy's fortune"

"Don't remind me, your no fun" he whines playfully. "Besides we don't have to worry about that just yet. We just graduated Uni, lets just let loose and enjoy the free life well we can."

"Yeah yeah. I really need to go now, I'll see you later Liam"

"Okay Leah, Love you"

I throw my phone on the bed, and walk over to my wardrobe to pick out some clothes to pack. We're staying at one of my Uncles holiday homes that has its own little private beach. As teens we spent a lot of holidays there, some of my best memories. I really am looking forward to this getaway.


After what seemed like eternity my suitcase was packed and ready to go.




"Open up Leah" I hear Liam's best friend Sam pound on the door.

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