Katherines Story Part 1

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The air that was thick, I stood on the bridge wondering whether today would be the day. Whether I would let them have pushed me over the edge, or whether I would last through the day. I didn't want to be there anymore, it's my hell away from home. You have hundreds of people who you don't like surrounding you for hours. But then he was there. He became the inspiration for everything I did. But everything changed, everything happened so fast. Because I know who he is, and there's no going back.

Chapter One

As I grabbed my bag my dad shouted at me from down the short hallway down to his room "You sure you want to go today?" I knew why he was asking, my moms funeral had only been a week ago. But I couldn't stay in that house anymore. Even though dad had already begun to get all her stuff out of the house. He hasn't left the house since she died, he just sits in his room listening to old record, only getting up to go to the bathroom or to glare into the fridge and walk back to his room empty handed. I don't want to go to school today but I don't have a choice. My grades were bad before my mom died and they were getting worse the longer I stayed home. I had to take the bus because I wasn't going to drive after what happened.

I got to the bus stop right outside my apartment, but I kept walking. I don't know why but its as if that bus stop represents all the pain ill go through if I step onto the grass in front of the court yard, and walk through as people glare at me wishing I wasn't there. Its been like that for years. I keep walking towards the bridge. And when I get there I just stand there, glaring over the edge as cars pass behind me. Hoping that today it all stops. I put my hand on the railing. The waves were calm, the clouds were white, the railing was cold, and I could feel it vibrating from all the cars. Deep down I prayed someone would come and ask if I was ok. I hoped someone stop me, that they would tap my shoulder, and everything would be fine. They would grab me off the railing and they would check to make sure I was ok, because I'm not. But now I was sitting on top of the railing with rocks that I picked up and put in my pockets on the way, I was questioning why I was born. What did he need for a person to be created if they're just going to die 14 years later.

All the sudden I was on the ground with him looking at me, I wasn't sure if this was real or if I had already jumped and was in limbo or something. But it was to real, he stared into my eyes.

"Are you ok?" he asked with a straight face. "Yeah, I was just looking over to see the water." He looked at me like I was an idiot. "No, you weren't. you were going to jump, you have rocks in your pockets ad your crying." I was? I didn't even realize that I was crying and that the top of my shirt was soaking wet. He helped me up and he started talking to me but all I heard were words, I didn't understand them. They were English, but I couldn't understand them. Why was this happening to me? "Can you even here me right now, listen I can help you, but you need to follow me." "Like hell I'm gonna follow you, how did you even know I was here. And why do you care? You've never even looked at me." He looks me dead in the eye,

"You have no idea, do you? I've been staring at you for 7 years straight making sure this exact thing didn't happen. Those day when you would wear long sleeve sweatshirts so that no one would see the gauze or tape. And the day when you would disappear during lunch. I noticed, and I kept note. I new after what happened to your mom you would probably do something like this so while you've been absent I have been to, because I've been watching you..."

He pauses for a second, unsure of what he wants to say next. He turns his gaze towards the edge he just pulled me from then back at me. He closes them and goes into deep thought. I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm, and pulls me in for a hug. "You can't leave, I am here to protect and make a deal with you. But you have to come with me." I give him a look only I can describe as questionable and think to myself that he's gonna kill me or something because he's acting like a full-blown stalker. I liked him before but now he just seems unreal. "If you don't like my proposal I will personally bring you back to this spot and let you carry on with 'watching the water'." I think for a second. He seems nice and all but I'm not sure if I should trust him. But either way I get to leave today, so I agree and follow him. I make sure to stay 3 feet behind at all times, if he tries to attack me I can at least have a chance to get away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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