Chapter one WHY HONEY

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Yuki's POV

Nico, Rock, Jyugo, Uno, and And me (Yuki) were going to the prisoners party. Hagima got mad at us because we broke out right before the party. We all got to the party and Inmates Honey, Trois, Upa, Qi, and Liang were waiting for us. When I got there Honey and Trois huddled around me and I yelled "what are we talking about!" Honey said "oh sorry I didn't see you" I said stop playing around" he said "just kidding oh we were talking about you asking Rock out cause we know that you like him and guess what he likes you too. Me and stubborn face I got mad throwing him across the room. Jyugo came up to me and smacked me and told me "Why Yuki why" he ran away and I run after him with the others. Rock asked "why'd he do it" I said "wait I remember Jyugo said he loved me to uno and me and I guess he heard Honey" Uno said "well what did Honey say" I said "oh, he said to ask Rock out cause I kinda like Rock but I guess he didn't know I like both".




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