January 18, 2017

36 2 1

Dear Annie.

I promised myself that I would never write something like this.

That I would never write a suicide note.

But don't worry this isn't a suicide note...

it's therapy?

I think that in some twisted way if I write this and tell you what's happening in my brain, maybe, maybe you'll forgive me. Maybe then you'll understand that I never tried to hurt you, but that I was only trying to protect myself.

it didn't work.

it never works.

Sometimes it feels like if I just disappeared out of your life that you wouldn't care. That you wouldn't have to deal with my insanity anymore.

Did you know that I always walk through doors before I can let anyone else enter a room?

i thought if i tried hard enough, it would make things better between us.

and yet here I am.

in therapy.


see you soon?


Dear AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now