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It's been a few days since I explored my old house. Once I had composed myself after reading my mom's letter, I put a few things from my room in my backpack to take home. My parents room didn't offer much for me, I think my mom had packed herself a bag of important items before she left.

Today, there's a mandatory Wren meeting in the town hall, for matters that 'will be discussed then', according to the signs posted around town. Although, I think I know what this meeting will be about - the merging of Wren and Nome that Daniel told me about. I'm nervous to see how Wren will react to the news, I don't know if we're being given a choice. Daniel told me that Nome is holding the same meeting today.

It starts at noon. Around eleven thirty, I leave my house and take my usual path through the woods into town. As the trees thin and the center of town comes into view, I stop and survey the crowds of people filing into town hall. It's so strange to see so many people in the center of town. I'm used to seeing little to no activity here. I walk in and grab a seat in the left-most section, near the back. I look around and spot Simon near the front. Besides him and a handful of others I know from the marketplace, these people are all strangers to me.

Jamison Wren takes the stage promptly at noon, he's always exactly on time. The loud chatter of the room quickly dies down. He taps the microphone in front of him twice, testing to see if it's on. The room is silent as he begins speaking. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming today. I'm sorry for being so vague about the matters of this meeting. I've had no choice but to be secretive up to this point.

"As you're probably aware, Zachariah Boaz is...a powerful force. His people are blindly loyal to him. We fear that he may be planning an overthrow of our sectors. When I say our, I mean Wren and Nome. Yes, Alexander Nome and I have always had our differences. But, for something as importnant as this, we're willing to put our past aggressions aside, and join forces."

Once he pauses, theres a low chatter that fills the room. People are confused, surprised, and scared. He begins again.

"With a majority vote, the people of Wren and Nome will silently join forces in order to defeat Boaz before he takes us over. We will form an army, and plan an attack on Boaz and his sector. With our sectors combined, we outnumber the Boaz one to seven. These sectors should have never been needed to be formed. I believe that once we take down Boaz, all of our three sectors can go back to our lives the way we lived before the falling, in peace and harmony. We will work tirelessly to reform our now separate governments into one."

The chatter continues. He leaves the stage and allows people to take some time to converse with each other before the vote. He comes back to the stage after about ten minutes.

"I propose a vote. All those in favor of joining forces with Nome and attempting to take down Boaz, say 'aye'."

"Aye," I say, along with what sounds like the entire room.

"All those opposed, say "nay'." The room is silent. A smile spreads across my face as Jamison nods. "We're waiting to hear the news from Nome. He's currently holding this same meeting in his sector. They're voting as well. Hold tight." He leaves the stage once again.

We wait what feels like hours before he comes back to the stage, this time with a wide smile. "I'm pleased to say that vote was unanimous there as well. Within the next week, we will have a combined meeting with all of Nome to discuss our next actions. Thank you all for coming today. I think you've made the right choice and I'm excited for the future. Thank you." He nods once before leaving the stage for the last time. Some people applaud as he walked off.

Walking through the crowd out of the buliding, I can hardly hear myself think. Everyone is ecstatic about this news. No longer do we have to suffer through the dull, depressing, days of our current lives.

Finally, there is hope for us.

Once outside, I take a different way home. I don't walk through the woods. I walk through the town, through the neighborhoods and parks. It's uplifting to see everyone out and about, talking, smiling, and laughing. A few people smile and wave at me, and I return the gesture. I don't know them, but it doesn't matter.

I reach home and grab my journal and pen. I take to my usual spot behind my house and begin writing. Words about today's meeting and what that might mean for the future pour themselves onto the page. My hand grows tired from writing so much so fast. I finish, and I'm about to go back inside when I see someone pass by the front of my house. It looked like a guy, but it's hard to tell who.

Normally, this would worry me, but I dismiss it and head inside through the back door. I throw my journal on the kitchen counter and go to fill up a glass of water when I hear a knock at the door. I walk over to it and open it carelessly, something I usually wouldn't do.

To my excitement, a smiling Daniel stands on the other side. I let him in and close the door. "Can you believe the vote?" He asks. smiling. "Unanimous! That's crazy!"

"I know!" I laugh. "I'm so happy," I say, throwing my arms around his neck. His arms circle my waist. We stay embracing each other for a few moments.

"What do we do for the next week while we wait?" I ask desperately, after finally letting go of him.

"I've got an idea," he smiles devilishly.

"What?" I ask cautiously.

"I wanna find Tyler. You wanna find Amber," he starts. I stop him there.

"Amber is dead, Daniel," I say harshly.

"We don't know that!" He says. I stare down at my feet. He's right; I really don't know what happened to her. "Look at me," he says softly. I sigh and meet his eyes. "I know you don't really think that." He's right again. I hate it when he's right.

"The reason I don't actually know what happened to her is because we took a risk. A stupid risk for nothing that ended up separating us - possibly forever!" My voice gains volume as I speak.

Daniel and his voice stay calm and relaxed, "Don't you wanna know for sure? Deep down inside, I know you believe she's still alive. We can find out, Brynn."

I bury my face in my hands, my thoughts racing. I can't believe I'm considering sneaking into Boaz - for the second time. I was stupid enough to do so the first time, and I'd say I'm even stupider now, but this time I'm going for a reason. I will successfully sneak into Boaz. I will find Amber. I will get her out. I will get us home safely.

I sigh and uncover my face. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm in."


I'm very sorry that this chapter sucks but next chapter WILL BE BETTER!! I promise.


The Falling // Daniel Seavey AUWhere stories live. Discover now