2: Reality

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Chapter two, Reality

“Excuse me?” I asked with a chuckle, he was just messing around with me, I know.

“I am serious.” I stopped chuckling as he stared at me wide-eyed, his eyes were unblinking. the brown orbs of his hallucinating, hypnotizing eyes were a set of gleaming moonlight, glistening mischieviously under the prettiest of menacingly long lashes. No matter how tempting they might seemed, they were glowing with something undecipherable, mysterious and unfathomable.

“Are you following me?” I asked, laughing a little bit to know if he was serious or not. If he wasn't serious, he would’ve laughed, or maybe smiled a little. But to my surprise, he didn’t. A sinister smile was played at the corner of his soft pink lips, the look on his face was threatening, disturbing and strangely omnious.

“You…You’re not serious.”

I regretted saying that.

Xavier hestitantly pulled out a weapon out of the pocket of his trousers, of which I strongly believed was a gun, and used it to shoot an innocent flight attendant who used to serve me. It happened so fast I couldn’t…I couldn’t breathe….The lethal, deadly bullet landed on her forehead and she was officially dead. I thought one, single gunshot was enough but I was proven wrong. Xavier repeatedly, violently and mercilessly shot the dead, lifeless body of the poor lady. Everyone in the aircraft covered their ears and so did I, I closed my eyes because the sight before me was too hard to be taken in. Some of the passengers even cried because they were too scared and terrified of what was happening, what happened earlier was unprecedented. I honestly thought he was joking with me, a sick joke which turned out to be an inevitable, painful reality. My eyes fluttered open as I scanned the face of the murderer sitting next to me with a demented grin played on his face, his gaze never left mine. His fingers combed the blonde strands of my hair and placed it behind my small ear, he caressed my cheek and let his fingers travelled down my chin, to the nape of my neck. I flinched at his touch, he was disgusting. I could my feel sweats dripping from my face as my body shivered with fear, I wanted to get away but my arm was firmly gripped by his strong hand.

“Do I not look serious to you?” He finally asked.

“P-Please…Don’t touch me…” I said between my loud sobs, tears continued to stream down my face as I struggled to regain control of the tough situation I was in. I couldn’t believe what happened, part of me thought of it as a nightmarish dream that I would never wake up from.

“Don’t be afraid of me, Scarlet. I’m not going to hurt you.” He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. My heart was beating desperately inside my chest and I could hear my pulse crashing violently, I had witnessed a murder.

“Do as I say and no one gets hurt.” He said loudly, as he rose from his chair and pointed the gun at the ceiling of the airplane. I turned on my back to see the scared faces of everyone in the airplane, they were frantically nodding their head in agreement to his sick, demented rules.

“I got my men in this plane. You go against me, I’ll make you suffer to death. You hear me?” He walked along the carpeted floor and scanned the faces of his hostages, until he held a fistful of hair of an innocent teenage girl and pointed the gun at her head. He was about to pull the trigger when the teenager let out a bloodcurdling scream, she wasn’t dead yet.

“Do you hear me?!” Xavier yelled in her face, a deranged smile was formed on his face.

“Yes…Just please, don’t kill me!” She said between her sobs, Xavier harshly released her hair.

“You can’t always get what you want, can you?” Xavier pulled the trigger and the spherical, lethal bullet landed straight onto the surface of her exposed stomach, he shot her repeatedly but more violent this time. Her body fell limply on the floor and the look on her face portrayed pure fear. No, she was dead! He killed twice! I sank in my seat, as I thought of a way to outrun this deranged, psycothic man I just met approximately four hours ago. My face went pale, my hearbeat was unsteady, my whole body was sweating and I was hyperventilating. I grabbed my hair and tangled it, I was mentally unstable. I had witnessed two murders in a day, and trapped in an airplane in the middle of nowhere, with a dangerous man I can never escape from. I couldn’t risk myself witnessing another murder, maybe I wasn’t meant to be in London. Maybe I die here, on this moving aircraft.

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