Chapter 2

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I strolled through the town humming a tune only I could sing to. Watching the blue sky and puffy chalked clouds fly over me, the sound of the birds chirping and the people in town dancing to music that was being played on the corner by the local band. Singing songs of prosperity, happiness, and blessings. The melody flowed through the streets and into everyone's body. They danced like they had been possessed by the Holy Ghost himself.
"Hey girl! Where ya goin?" I heard someone yell from across the street. I turned around to see Mrs. Ruth standing in front of boutique shop waving a newspaper around in circles, a huge smile spread across her face. She had reminded me of my grandmother, and was practically old enough to be my grandmother. Her hair was slicked back into grey bun, she rested one of her hands on her hips and spoke in a thick country accent.
"Hey Mrs. Ruth!" I called back.
"Look at you girl! Growing up to look just like your mama! You tell her I said take care!"
"I will!" I laughed. I continued skipping down the road greeting everyone I know, and grooving to the beat of the music. Even though, the second district of Allaya was the poorest part of the kingdom, it was full of life and music. I loved it. I loved everything about second district.

I loved the life, the music, the people. We were more than a community, we bonded together. We took take of one another. I began daydreaming about my childhood once more, walking up and down this same road 10 years ago bringing meat back and forth to shop for my parents, dreaming of one day wanting to take this district and give back to the community. Rebuild most of the buildings and schools, renovate my parents deli shop into an amazing restaurant.
"Ma'am, Watch out!" I heard a voice yell. I spun around.
"Huh?" I was tackled to the ground suddenly, I looked up to see a strange man laying on top of me. He was a brown skinned man with a cute little flat button nose kind of like mine. I could tell he wasn't from around here based on the way he was dressed. He was way too clean cut and his clothes looked expensive.
"Are you okay?" He asked as he helped me off the ground.
"What the hell was that for?!" I shouted as I dusted myself off.
"That carriage was going to hit you but you obviously weren't paying attention."
"Shut up, I was paying attention." I proceeded to pick up my basket while gathering my strands of hair, putting them back in place.
"Oh yeah? Why didn't you move?"
"Maybe I wanted to get hit."
He laughed. His laughing grew louder as he shook his head.
"What? Why are you laughing?" I questioned as I raised an eyebrow.
"You're funny." He complimented. I smiled and chuckled a little myself.
"What's your name?"
"Where are you headed to young lady?"
"On my way to pick up some meat for my dad."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yes." I replied as I started to walk off. The man followed behind me.
"What does your dad do?"
"He owns a deli shop here in town. I work with him and my brother. We all run it together."
"And how old are you?"
"Why are you asking me so many questions?"
He looked down and smirked at bit as he kicked his feet into the dusty road before looking at me. He was tall, way taller than me. If I had known any better, I'd think he was looking at me instead of the ground a minute ago considering I was practically touching the ground compared to him.
"Maybe it's because I'm curious." He mumbled shyly.
I smiled and carried on with my walking, the man still following closely behind me.
"May I walk with you?" He asked kindly.
"To get meat?" I was completely thrown off that he even wanted to walk with me.
"Sure. It'll give me an excuse to keep talking to you" I blushed, hoping he wouldn't see I turned my head.
As we walked, he looked around at the town before him, as if he had been here before. Though, I had never seen him around here at all before and I knew this place like the back of my hand.
"So Leia."
"Lelah." He joked at he mispronounced my name on purpose.
"It's Leah" I corrected him as I laughed.
"It's such a pretty name."
"Thank you." I blushed once more and looked down. I could his eyes looking at me, making me blush even harder.
"How long have you lived around here?"
"All my life." I answered sincerely.
"What about you?"
"Well I don't live here but I do visit this place quite often."
"Then where are you from?" I stopped and looked up at him.
"A home I'd like to call hell" he laughed at his own joke, but I couldn't help to laugh as well. I lightly punched him in the chest.
"I'm trying to be serious, you know?"
"Well on a more serious note, I'm from another part of town. But I like coming to second district. I like the music and the people here." He looked up at the sky as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.
"God, it's so humid out here." He complained.
"Well after I get the meat and take it back to my father, maybe I could take you somewhere to cool off." I suggested.
His face lit up as he looked down at me. A cute childlike smile upon his face and excited energy I could feel radiating off of him. He grabbed my arm and pull me along down the road. I laughed as he playfully tried to get me to Mrs.Falcons shop faster so that we could hang out.
"I can't wait to go now! Come on we have to hurry up and get that meat for your dad!" He tugged at my arm as he looked back to smile at me.

We arrived at Mrs.Falcons shop. He pulled the heavy door and held it open for me. I looked around. Nothing about this place has changed. The same old glooming look and the grey walls with little holes of chipped of paint, and meat sitting in the display counter. Mrs.Falcon stepped out from behind the counter and pulled me into a tight embrace, her blonde hair getting tangled up in my face.
"Well hello there darling! Your daddy in need of another shipment?" She asked as she ran back over to the counter and grabbed the various pieces of ham, bologna, and turkey. Bringing it over to me and stuffing it all into my basket.
"Is that enough?" She asked.
"Yes ma'am. Thank you so much" I shoved my hand into my pocket and dug around to pull out 10 coins.
"Will this cover it?"
"Oh, honey just give me 3 coins and you can be on your way." She smiled at me as she looked over to notice the man I met standing next to me.
"Well who is this young handsome feller?" She asked as she walked up closer to him.
"Haha I'm-"
"He's just one of my friends I met." I cut him off as he was about to speak.
"Haha well he certainly is handsome Leah." She winked at me and chuckled.
"Thanks again Mrs.Falcon"
"No problem hun" she waved as we exited the shop.

We headed off down the dusty trail, on our way back to my Dads shop. Still following closely behind, I could feel his eyes on me. I tensed up out of shyness, and continued to look down once more.
"She was a nice lady." He commented.
"Yeah, she is"  I joined.
"So her name is Falcon?"
"Like the bird?"
He suddenly stopped me. He spread his arms like a bird and pranced around me, pretending to be a Falcon. I bursted into extreme laughter as he acted like a complete goof ball. Some people walking along noticed that I was laughing and smiling way too hard. More than usual. But I couldn't help it. He was absolutely hilarious.

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