Chapter Three Goodbye

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No one's Pov play song whenever "Not gonna die by Skillet" however I suggest playing it when it gets to Danny and Dani
It was another normal day for the young group of hero's who were minding thier own business till Robin ran into the living room just barely coming out of the training room, all the team had thier eyes on him "I got a call from Batman he said we have a mission to save a meta-human from a local government location that goes by GIW standing for Guys In White." The boy wonder told his fellow teammates "Finally we got a mission!" Kid Flash aka Wally West yelled with excitement "Wally it's only been a week since our last mission." Atremis said annoyed at the red head teen "Really? It felt like a month." Wally said confused. Superboy walked forward towards Robin who was typing at the computer that was in the room."Where is this meta-human anyways?" He asked slightly curious about this new meta. "Just got the location it's at Amity Park in the woods underground." He said looking at the computer that was in the living room "Let's go the faster we get there the faster we can get awnser about this GIW." everyone nodded in agreement.

Timeskip with Dani and Danny

It's been two years since the two halfas's been captured Daniel was now 15 was still trying to protect his daughter Danielle who is now 5 without his powers since his collar blocked him from using them same with Dani. For the past years Dani didn't go through much just minor injuries like a bruise and broken bone while Danny on the other hand would be experimented on everyday and go back to his 'room' where he would bleed endlessly chained up to the wall with his blinking collar. To the GIW he seemed more dangerous than others while Dani was chained up to the wall on the opposite side of the room looking at her dad who she knew was trying to figure out how to get them or her out of here but also fighting to stay sane and not become HIM. "Danny?...." Dani asked/said to her father he slowly lifts his head up looking at his daughter smiling weakly "Yes agapiménos." (sweetheart) "Why do they hate us? I mean we didn't do anything wrong you were always saving the people of Amity and I was just at home with you and Grandma Pandora, Grandpa Clockwork, uncle Tucker, Johnny, Wulf, aunty Jazz, Sam, Ember, Kitty, and Dorathea..." She asked/said dropped her tone a bit saying the names of her family who risked everything to help them try to ecaspe but you see that didn't work, of course thier ghost family couldn't do much but they didn't hold a grudge against them after all they are family and they tried thier best. Danny slowly gets up and leans against the bloody wall "Because they think we are evil even if we helped others they don't know that not all ghost are evil..." Before Dani could reply two agents come in and grab Danny by his hair dragging him out of the room leaving Dani crying and screaming for them to leave him alone.


(Just to say now I wrote the next part differently from from when I first was writing it but no my phone had to be a bitch and erased it so please bare with me even though I liked how it was the first time)
An alarm went off everything shining red from the lights, Dani jumped when the door was slammed open to reveal it was Danny who was soaked in his own blood he immediately ran towards his daughter and unlocked her chains he then grabs her hand and runs off with her "Danny what's going on!?" She could tell he was angry "We need to get out of here I heard that they were planning on killing and I'M NOT GONNA LET THEM TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME!" Danny yelled in anger. They both continue to run till they both heard the agent K "FIND THEM THEY COULDN'T HAVE GONE FAR!" Dani looks at Danny with fear showing in her green toxic glowing eyes, he saw this and knew he had no choice but to buy her sometime, he stopped running and looked back at her. She to stopped as well confused by her father's action "What's wrong?" Danny sighed and kneeled down in front of his daughter "Dani you need to go on without me while I'll buy you some time" Dani was just shocked, angry and sad "No! I won't leave you there must be a different way we both can get out!" She yells "If there was another way I wouldn't be telling you this Dani..." Dani looks down "Please Danielle I need you to do this... For me?" A tear rolls down her cheek Danny caught this and brings his hand cupping her face wiping her tear with his thumb "O-okay I'll do it..." Dani said in a sad tone "Goodbye daddy I love you..." Danny smiles weakly at her "I love you too sweet pea" he kissed her forehead as his own tear rolls down his cheek. Danny gets up and stands infront of Dani protectively Dani soon realizes the agents were close by and ran the opposite direction of Danny. Meanwhile with Danny the walls around him was covered in black spots and red with green blood, Danny was fighting off as many agents he could after all he was still weak from the experiment he went through that day, from the corner of his eye he could see a few agents heading towards Dani's direction "NO!" Danny tried to run towards them. Before he knew it he fell down on his knees screaming out in pain as he was electrocuted. Danielle kept running but stopped when she heard her father's scream, she wanted to turn back and help him, she wanted to bring him with her and not leave him in this horrible place but she couldn't. She turned around and continued to run she then heard heavy foot steps and dodged just in time to miss the shot from on of the agents, she ran as fast as she could till she was shot in her left leg causing her to fall down. All the agents who followed her pointed thier guns at her, she closed her eyes and did the only thing she could and hoped that he heard her or at least someone "DDDDDAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDYYYYYYY!!!" she screamed

With the team

The young group of hero's had just finished fighting off the last agent that tried to kill them. "When will we find the meta-human!" Kid Flash yelled who was out of patience at this point. "Something doesn't feel right my friends." Kaldur said "Kaldur is right I keep getting waves of energy and this person's mind is blocked off." Megan said "This meta-human is that powerful!" Kid flash once again yelled "I swear if you don't shut up I'll-" Artemis said getting cut off by a little girls screaming "DDDDDAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDYYYYYYY!!!!" everyone began to run towards the scream till they saw a little girl no more than five crying and her leg bleeding and the agents have thier guns ready to shot "Shut it ghost scum after we're done you will be your with your little daddy again." Before he could shot Artemis shots and arrow at him hitting his arm with the gun. The little girl looks at the team with fear before passing out probably from blood lost.

Time skip after the fight

Artemis carries the girl towards the medical wing. "I'll tell Batman of what happened." Robin said before leaving. Everyone else sat in the living room curious has to who the little girl was and was she the meta-human they needed to rescue. "Oh guys before I left the ship I saw this fall off the girl" Wally pulls out a blue chain locket with a green gem in it

 "Oh guys before I left the ship I saw this fall off the girl" Wally pulls out a blue chain locket with a green gem in it

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"It's a locket?" Conner said confused. "Maybe there is something about the girl in it." Megan said "Not a bad idea Megan." Wally told the Martain girl, everyone crowed around Kid as the open the locket to see a picture of a boy with white hair, green eyes and in a white and black jump suit. The girl they all saw earlier was in it to both smiling.

Wally pulls the picture out and turns it around to show some words on the back.

"To my baby girlNever forget that I love you

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"To my baby girl
Never forget that I love you.
Life is filled with hard times and good times.
Learn from everything you can. Be the hero you always have been.

Love Dad

Everyone was beyond shocked this guy in the photo was her dad! Everyone thought. "How can someone so young be her dad?" Kaldur asked. "I-I don't know..." Everyone was quite till the heard Robin coming back with Batman who was looking at the time curiously "What happened?" Batman asked the team, kaldur took the picture and locket from Kid Flash and gave it to him "Kid Flash found this on the floor of the ship it belongs to the girl we brought to the mountain." Batman looks at both objects "Has she woken up yet?" He asked hoping he could ask her some questions "No she hasn't and Artemis has been with her the whole time since we got back." He told the Dark knight. Kid Flash began to laugh "Yeah she started acting like a mom too." This brought sparked an interest to him, Artemis never acts like that towards anyone yet she acted differently towards the girl. 'I need to speak to this girl as soon as she's awake' he thought.

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