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WARNING mentions of violence, vulgar language and possible death ahead

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WARNING mentions of violence, vulgar language and possible death ahead.

"Taemin...you would never lie to me, right?"

Taemin furrowed his brows and shook his head, "of course not baby, you know that...why would you ask?" Taemin kept his gaze on the show they were watching as Jimin stared at him, "look at me Taemin." The boy hummed, "but the show is good, just tell me what you have to say," he said simply. Jimin looked down at the bed, thinking back to the talk he had with Yoongi.

"Remember, if he avoids eye contact, he is lying. If he won't and refuses to look you directly in the eye, he is lying. If he hesitates before answering, he is lying. Just because Taemin has fooled you into the illusion that he's the perfect little boyfriend, doesn't mean you will let it keep going."

Jimin sighed, "Then tell me, what happened that night Taehyung disappeared." Taemin's breath hitched, "I already told you, I ran into him at the store and we talked a bit, he did seem out of it though, but then I left and that's all there is to it," he answered rather quickly. Jimin squinted at him, tilting his head to the side as Taemin gave him a side-glance.

"If he starts showing signs of nervousness, fast-talking, sweating, or even some abnormal behavior—he's lying. He may even come up with an excuse to leave, remember this for when you confront him. When he does start to leave, click this button to signal us and we'll send Jungkook in."

Jimin frowned, "but won't Jungkook like...hurt him?" he asked in a small voice. Yoongi flashed him a grin,

"that's the point."

"Where did you go afterward?" Jimin pressed. Taemin sighed, "why, Jimin? Why do you keep asking me these questions?"

"Just answer the damn question Taemin!" Jimin screamed, his voice wavering a bit.

"I went with my friends, happy?" Taemin rolled his eyes, still staring at the television.

"It was you...wasn't it?" Jimin sniffled, his eyes watering as Taemin looked at him.

"What are you on about?"

"Y-you're the one who took him! You're with that—that gang! You're with Rival and you kidnapped my best friend! Was that why you asked me out? Just to get to him?! Are you out to get me and Jin as well? Answer me damn it!" Jimin cried and punched Taemin's arm over and over.

Taemin's gaze turned fierce and he gripped onto Jimin's wrists, stopping the boy, and pushing him off of him, "I'm leaving." Taemin makes his way to the door and Jimin digs into his pocket, pulling out the small device, catching Taemin's attention. "What the hell are you doing?" Taemin asked, stomping over. Jimin pressed the button multiple times till Taemin snatched it from him. The boy looked it over until it dawned on him, "Cypher." The door burst open and Jungkook stormed in, Yoongi behind him. Jungkook made his way to Taemin, punching him as hard as he could and knocked the boy out cold. Yoongi rushed over to the crying jimin, "you're okay min, come on," Yoongi helped him stand and led him out the dorm with Jungkook trailing behind with an unconscious Taemin over his shoulder.

Jimin sniffle quietly as they were headed to the building. Yoongi sighed, looking over at him slightly before turning back to the road. "He didn't hit you right?" Yoongi asked. "No," Jimin said quietly as he wiped his tears away, "I thought you said only Jungkook would be going?" Yoongi huffed, "yeah but you pressed the button repeatedly, I thought he might've done something to you." Jimin managed to get a smug grin on his face, "aww you care about me, i'm touched." Jimin put a hand to his heart dramatically. The latter rolled his eyes, "you're my job, I have to watch over you and make sure you don't get hurt, that's all." Jimin pouted and he felt a pang of hurt hit him for some reason but pushed it aside.

"We're here," Yoongi sighed and got out the car, not waiting for Jimin as he entered the house with Jungkook towing behind him with a knocked out Taemin over his shoulder. Jimin bit his lip as he followed and went straight to Junhee who then led him to his room. Yoongi opened the door to the basement, letting Jungkook go down first, before going down. Jungkook tied him to the chair, setting his sniper on the other side of the room, and shaking the boy awake. Taemin groaned and hissed in pain. He looked around before fully realizing what situation he was in. He stared Jungkook in the eyes as the boy crouched to meet his eyes.

"We're going to have a bit of fun, yeah?"


Taehyung gruted in pain after the hard punch he'd received and spit out blood. He weakly looked up at the dark haired male with a playful glint in his eyes. "P-please, you've already killed my parents, wasn't that enough?"

"No," a deep voice belonging to the tall male who'd just walked in spoke, "the four of you were the targets, we only got half of the job done."

Taehyung furrowed his brows, "t-the four of us? What do you mean? It was just my parents and me." The male chuckled, "Himchan leave the room for us would you?" Himchan nodded and exited the room. The man grabbed a chair and sat in front of Taehyung, crossing his right leg over the other and stared at him. "Byun Baekhyun was your father's son with another woman—who is dead as well—and he often visited and you two were almost inseparable. He was with his mother when we attempted to complete our task, unfortunately, you survived and so did he. We're going to fix that mistake."

Taehyung's breathing quickened and his eyes were wide as he stared at the male in front of him. Tears started streaming down his face as he continued to have trouble with his breathing. "What are you doing?" the man asked. Taehyung wasn't able to respond as he began to shake and it angere the leader. He stood and grabbed a fistful of his hair, slapping him harshly in the face. But that only seemed to worsen the situation. The man left the room and shortly after another snuck in. "Hey, Taehyung calm down." The said boy looked up, "wh-where's Jungkook? Jimin? Jin? Hyungsik? Bogum—" "Hey calm down, I can't promise you'll be alright because God knows what else they'll do to you, but you've got to focus on your breathing. Come on shh, you can do this, focus on your breathing, nothing's going to happen to you right now, not while i'm here." Taehyung slowly started calming down and slowly looked up to see who helped him. The male had light brown hair and his face seemed almost American. "My name is Mark, you're alright Taehyung. Mark ran his fingers through his hair and he fell asleep after the exhaustion of his panic attack.

Mark sighed, laying the boy down slowly onto the cold cement floor. He left the room and found his leader on a table with a glass of what seemed like whisky. "He was having. a panic attack, how could you just slap him like that?" Mark grit his teeth and balled his fists. "He doesn't matter, Mark, we've been over this." "We have but I'll have you know, Moon Jongup, that I do not take orders from you, and he is our prisoner, the least you could do is step aside and let us handle it. And for the record, you weren't supposed to be in there, and he's not dying, not on my watch."

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