A cursed beginning

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I was cursed from birth, how you wonder just ask my mother except you can't because I killed her during birth, my father would've been in tears over this, if he hadn't died before I was born. fresh out of the womb and I've got no guardians and I've already killed someone, sounds like I'm already set up for life, but wait it gets better. After spending about 6 years in an orphanage a kid who was just learning what his quirk was lost control. Lucky for all of us his quirk appeared to be fire manipulation, the orphanage burnt down with me and everyone else inside 32 children and 4 adults, our caretakers, in the end there was 35 casualties and 1 survivor   police and heroes found this survivor when he threw a smoldering support beam 20 feet in the air and walked out of the ashes unscathed. That was when I learned what my quirk was. A combination of my mother's and my father's, super strength and nigh unkillable healing, how do I know that the healing was so strong well shortly after this incident I was kidnapped from another orphanage, apparently some villians heard about this unhurt child and decided they should tell they're mad scientist boss who of course wanted to do some experiments on me. Now I wasn't kidnapped like a normal person no no no, because I was a orphan they decided to adopt me. How's that for a screw you we're gonna adopt you then give you to our crazy ass boss. I still remember everything he did the thousands of experiments all just to see what would kill me. I still remember the cold sting of the scalpel, the burn of the acid, the slow suffocation of poison. I remember it all, it made who I am now. But thankfully when I was 15 I was saved by the greatest of the greats when it comes to heroes. I still remember that day.

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