The cheeky monkey

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One day there was a cheeky monkey called Bob. He was the cheekiest monkey in town. He was so cheeky he called his house the cheeky banana, because he lived in a giant banana.

One day he got so cheeky he went absolutely mad, he even pulled out a banana peel gun and started to shoot the mayor.

The next day, all the monkeys got together and decided they didn't want Bob in the town anymore, so they thought up a plan to get rid of Bob forever.

That night all the monkeys went and hid around Bob's house and waited until Bob was fast asleep. They snuck in through the back door and they got the strongest monkeys to lift his bed out the door and all the way to the tip top of mount banana.

The next morning Bob woke up and he was colder then a monkey pop. Then Bob sat up and looked around, at first he was confused, then he looked down and screamed so loud even the martians could hear him.

That't not even the worst of it, all the monkeys went deaf for hours. Bob was stuck up there for days.

One morning when Bob woke up from his dreamland, he felt rumbling underneath him, it was a monkey quake. Bob was so frightened he fell of his bed and he fell for two whole hours

until he finally landed on a big pile of bananas. He shouted at the top of his lungs, "I'm alive!" he suddenly realised he had not eaten for days, so he started eating the bananas. when he he finished eating he was happy because his tummy was happy and full.

He realised that all the other monkeys still hated him, so he went straight to town and apologised to the other monkeys and swore to never be cheeky again.

All the other monkeys forgave him and had a big feast to celebrate. Bob kept his promise forever and the monkeys lived happily ever after.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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