New friend

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Miss Lock: okay Jungkook go sit next to Lucy.
*miss Lock points with her finger at a girl who's sitting in the back of class*

*jungkook walks to the back of the classroom and sits down next to Lucy*

*lucy looks at Jungkook*

Lucy:Hello, nice to meet you Jungkook! It's nice to have another foreigner in class!
*jungkook looks confused at Lucy*

Jungkook: Another foreigner?

Lucy: yeah! I'm also a foreigner, I'm actually Dutch. I moved to America a year ago.

Jungkook:( wow she's so good in

Jungkook: now that I look at you, you do look like someone who is from Europe lol *jungkook smiles*

Lucy: why? Because I have blond hair and blue eyes lol? *her eyes sparkle*

Jungkook: yeah lol
*jungkook looks at Lucy*

Jungkook:(she's actually pretty cute, she has gold, blond hair, blue eyes and bangs, and she's nice too, I hope she will be my friend)

Lucy: hey do you want to be friends?
*jungkook looks startled by her sudden question*

Jungkook:( did she read my mind or something?)

Jungkook: I would love to be friends *he smiles*

*A few minutes later the bell rings, Jungkook and Lucy walk out of the classroom together*

Lucy: it's lunch time so do you want to go to the cafeteria together?

Jungkook: sure!

*jungkook and Lucy are about to walk into the cafeteria, when they suddenly get stopped by 3 boys*

Boy 1: so so.. what do we have here? A transfer student?

Boy 2: lol look at his face

Boy 3: lmfao

*the 3 boys laugh at jungkook while making fun of him*

Lucy: why are you such jerks? There is nothing wrong with Jungkook!

Boy 1: Jungkook? Wow even his name is weird.

Boy 3: so where did you move from Ching Chang Chong?

*jungkook looks scared*

Jungkook:( what the hell is this? I've never experienced this before. Normally people tell me i look handsome not weird)

Jungkook: I'm from Korea, South Ko-
*jungkook gets cut of by one of the boys*

Boy2: oh Korea! Are you here as a spy for that Kim Jong-un guy?
*he laughs*

Boy 1: I bet he has a pistol in his backpack

Jungkook: I'm not from North Korea but South Korea!

Boy 3: yeah yeah it's the exact same thing

Lucy: Can you stop being such douchebags! LEAVE HIM ALONE!

Boy 1: ooh... mis pretty yelled at us boys. I think we need to teach her a lesson... *he smirks and reaches out to grab her arm when suddenly a guy punches him*

*the boy falls on the ground but gets pulled up by his buddies, they run away in fear*

*lucy looks surprised, and looks at the boy who punched him*

Lucy: oh Jacob it's you! Thanks man.

Jacob: no problem *he smiles at Lucy *

Jungkook:(who is he? Is he Lucy's brother? They do look alike he also has blond wavy hair and blue eyes)

Lucy: Jungkook, this is my friend Jacob, Jacob this Jungkook the new transfer student.

Jungkook:(oh they are friends, not brother and sister)
Jungkook: nice to meet you *he smiles awkwardly at Jacob*

*jungkook, lucy and Jacob get lunch and sit down at a table*

Lucy: Jacob where are drake, Ciel and kotoko?

Jacob: they are still getting lunch I think,they'll probably be here in a minute

Jungkook: drake, Ciel and kotoko? Who are they?

Lucy: ah they are also foreigners. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you Jacob is from Germany. And drake is from south-Africa. He's Jacob's boyfriend

Jungkook:(aha so Jacob is gay.

Lucy: Ciel is from France and Kotoko is from Japan and they are also a couple lol

Lucy: I am the only single Pringle in this group lol

Jacob:oh yeah Jungkook would you like to join are foreigners group?

Jungkook:(wow Jacob is also really nice)

Jungkook: yeah I would like that *he smiles brightly*

*suddenly a dark skinned boy with a buzz cut sits down next to Jacob and gives him a kiss*

Lucy: hey drake!

Drake: Hey lucy! Wait who is this dude? *he points at jungkook*

Lucy: this "dude" is the new transfer student from South Korea, his name is Jungkook.

Jungkook: hello

Drake: sup' bro

*suddenly a couple walks over while holding hands, they sit down at the table*

*the girl has long black hair and brown eyes and the boy has brown curly hair and green eyes*

Lucy: hey Ciel, Hey kotoko.

Lucy to Jungkook: this are Ciel and Kotoko the French boy and the Japanese girl I talked about before.

Jungkook: hello I'm jungkook, I just transferred here today.

Kotoko: hey you have an accent! Are you a foreigner by any chance? *she winks at jungkook*

Jungkook: yeah I'm from South Korea

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