Chapter 1 - The Weirdest Morning

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Another morning, and the birds were being way too loud. They at least worked like an alarm clock.

A loud bird startled Sonic, causing him to tumble out of his hammock, landing with a crash on the floor.

The blue hedgehog sat up and rubbed his back, as that was where he had landed. "Ow... Stupid bird, could've warned me..."

As Sonic sat down on his porch, he tied his hickory-brown bandana around his neck and slipped on his shoes, making sure they had sportstape wrapped around them.

The morning was quite peaceful. The waves on the beach crashed against the beach, tiny grains of sand washing in and out of the pulling waters. The soft breeze rustled the giant leaves on the palm trees, which were quiet enough to allow crickets to be heard from the nearby jungle.

Sonic let the fresh air brush through his quills, breathing in the fresh air. It had a slight salty scent to it from the salty ocean waters.

No loud chatter from townspeople, no Eggman robots clanking their panels of metal together and stomping into the solid ground.

Utter tranquility.

But it didn't last.

A loud 'FWASH' sound echoed through the beach, causing Sonic to jump right up. A strange light lit up just nearby. Startled, Sonic hid in his house, watching closely from inside.

Someone taller than him stepped out. She seemed to be the same species as Eggman, which was apparently 'human', or so he'd heard. But something was off about her.

She seemed to have turquoise hair, but whatever was the rest of her hair other than her bangs was hidden away by a blue hood, shaped oddly like Sonic's quills, with the stray bits and everything. The hood even had the ears.

The hood was connected to a blue cropped top, obviously making it a hoodie, with long sleeves. The length of the sleeves were unknown, because what seemed to be bandages were wrapped around her upper arms, from her elbow to her gloves, which were just as pure white as Sonic's.

She wore matching cerulean shorts with a strange turquoise-patterned belt, which also had a bit of it in a loop over her right hip. A small, short blue tail was attatched to the tailbone of the shorts.

She had bandages from her lower legs down to her ankles, with similar red and gold shoes. She even had bandages wrapped around the shoes.

She even had the same bandana.

"Miku, where are we?"

"How should I know? Ask the geniuses over here."

"Well, according to my calculations-"


"*sigh* OUR calculations... we should be in the dimension of the Bygone Islands."

"Ooo! This sounds like the PERFECT vacation dimension! And it worked first-try!"

The girl wearing blue looked around, then noticed the little house they were right next to.

"Woah, there's a little house here!"

Without thinking, the girl walked inside.

"DON'T GO IN THERE! I bet there's some spooky sattellite dishes that're gonna control our minds!"

"Oh come on, Miki, it's just a little shack. What harm could it do? You guys stay by the jungle, just in case!"

As the others ran out of the portal, causing it to close, the girl walked inside Sonic's house. Panicking, he hid behind the large tree in the center of his house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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