4: Basketball

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// New Characters!!!

The shining of the sun had awoke you from your bed, making you blink rapidly slowly until your eyes were fully opened. You had softly sighed, getting up from your mattress and checked the clock on your nightstand.


Getting ready for the day, you had decided to wear; a white blouse with a pencil skirt and high heel shoes. You wanted today to be fulfilled and you wanted to cherish it in your life, this is now your career, you have to embrace it.

Cooking breakfast, you tend to get distracted easily, especially while cooking, but this time you had a reason to get distracted. Mostly because you saw something on your floor.

It looked as if it was a footprint of a sneaker...

But none of yours.

Checking your surroundings and your memory from yesterday, you do not remember letting Jungkook inside the house, but you clearly remember that, this was not there last night.

You began to think of more conclusions, smoke began to fill your head, actual smoke. Glancing towards your now-burnt pancake. Hurrying as the white cloud filled within you house, you took the pan off the stove and grabbed a close by newspaper, and began to fan the air.

You looked at the time on the clock placed on you kitchen wall.


Damnit. You wanted to make it at least by seven o'clock to seem more professional to your coworkers, but you knew that it wasn't going to happen. Grabbing your car keys, quickly walk towards the front door, going through it and closing.

You walked outside to your drive through, to be greeted by Jungkook getting inside a car, from your perspective, it seem like the car was packed with at least six or seven people, preferably boys. You stare unknowingly at the boys, that's when Taehyung shows his face from the drive seat window, looking at you.

"Hey Ms. (L/n)!" He yelled, while waving hello towards you. You snapped quickly out of the daze, and softly smiled, waving hello back. His face was plastered with a broad box smile, making him cuter than what he already looked.

He drove off once he stopped waving, hopefully to school. You also galloped in your car driving off to the school as well, but taking a different route.

~Time Skip

You walked into the building with confidence towards your classroom. Of course, boys started pointing at you, also looking at you in awe. Maybe it was because there wasn't a real big age gap between mostly all the students and you.

Standing next to a locker, you eyed Taehyung with a two of boys, including Jungkook. You walked up to them curiously.

"I should have punch the mother fu-" the man that was talking had suddenly stopped when he saw your appearance. He then bowed politely saying hello.

"Hello" you mumble softly back at him. He slyly smiles, while looking at you, then quickly whispers to Jungkook, which made you curious.

After he whispered, Jungkook had looked into the black haired boy's eyes and shook his head harshly.

Huh? What were they talking about?

Anyways, you wanted to meet more of Taehyung and Jungkook's friends. So you introduced yourself.

"My name is Ms.(L/n)," you said with a smile. He nodded softly.

 He nodded softly

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