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Kookie's POV

Hana looked so sated and in so much peace lying on my chest. Small frame cuddling my whole so possessively that always made me felt so special and needy as much. 

Suddenly I felt this urgency to protect her as I hugged her so tight and that ached my heart to never let go. Then, I slept with her in my arms so safe like my life really depended on it.


When I finally woke up, Hana was not there. I got out of her bed and went outside. There, I smelt such delicious aroma and went along with it.

Hana's back was towards me. She changed to a baby T and shorts. The collar was large and slid off showing her left shoulder. 

Ah, that soft fair neck. So inviting.

She was obviously occupied and busy making something at the kitchen counter. I missed her as I approached her and back hugged her. I could hear her sharp breathes. 

"Mmm... Kookie" she cooed. 

I nestled my chin on her naked shoulder and hugged her front. Grapefruit again, I thought as I registered her familiar scent. I had to hunch over since she was shorter than me. I could see that she was cutting a carrot. 

"Slept well?" she asked. 

"Yes, but I missed you," I claimed and hugged her.

 She scrunched up and the sight of her breast peeked through. Hana chuckled. I could see that she was making some sort of soup. 

"Beef ribs?" I asked curiously. "Yes, it's your favorite right?" she asked me back. "Hm. Yes." 

I nestled closer to her body. I didn't let go immediately, I went along wherever she went to, and she never once shoved me off. 

Whenever she turned her face I stole some kisses on her pink lips. Ah...

Hana 's POV

Kookie being this needy really surprised me. My heartbeats played erratically. His scents, his strong arms hugging me. I felt warm in his embrace. His breath on my neck... Hm... I loved when he hugged me like this. Stealing kisses on my willing lips every time he got the chance.

Kookie's POV

I really loved holding her small petite frame and got to do it as much as I could. I only let go when she finally signaled me to sit down. Then, I could finally see what she was cooking. "Tada, come let's eat Kookie. I'm pretty hungry." 

Hana scrunched her nose signaling her hunger.

I sat opposite her across the small table. There were 2 bowls of ribs soup, two small bowls of rice, kimchi, some spinach, and meatballs. 

"Wow! This is amazing Hana." 

I was a bit surprised at how domestic this really felt like. 

I leaned over and kissed her so sudden that she smiled shyly automatically. "Mm... this is really simple Kookie." Hana smiled and we attacked our food and ate heartily indeed.


"Let's have some ice- cream Hana. My treat." I surprised her after we both cleaned up the dishes. "Okay." So we went downstairs and went to our usual ice- cream joint. "Hmm. It's strange right, cold ice-cream in the middle of cold weather?" I said to Hana under my mask. Hana smiled at me and started to walk hand in hand crossing the road. We were passing a few blocks of shops when suddenly I heard a familiar voice. 


When I finally turned around, there was Jimin and Taehyung. I could see they set their eyes on Hana. 

"Hi," they both greeted her in such cartoonish manner. 

Hana looked at me. With wide eyes. (can't blame her. My hyungs are good looking even under their masks)

Hana's POV

My heart skipped a bit when I saw Jimin and Taehyung that I looked shock. I meant two really famous figures were standing tall in front of me! Both of them really were so handsome up close as well. 

I stammered a bit... "E..e Hi," Suddenly, I could feel Kookie's hand on my waist and pulled me over to him. 

"This is Hana, hyung. My Hana." 

Kookie's claims melt my heart when he said My Hana. 

They were blazed a bit and finally said something after sliding off their masks to their chin.

I was on a lookout for their fans. But luckily people just passed us like normal. (by the way, mask is a must for them to avoid getting chased by their fans)

"Ow, so this is the new amusement eh" said Jimin looking at me curiously biting his lower lips.

 "Not amusement hyung, my girlfriend," Kookie's voice hitched louder as to defend me. 

"Our bad Kookie. Yes, your girlfriend. Uwauuu, gyeopta." Taehyung answered on behalf of Jimin.

Taehyung put his hand on Jimin like he was trying to calm him or something. I could sense a little bit of tense there but kept it away nonchalantly. 

"So we'll see you later kay Kookie." Taehyung said while pulling Jimin to follow him. 

"Bye Hana, hope to see you sometime later kay." I was swayed a bit when he winked at me.

 "Okay" I replied while smiling ear to ear. 

"Swayed much?" Kookie was teasing me but I couldn't help how true it was. Both of them were really handsome up close. Kookie chuckled looking at a-still-daze-looking-stamped-on-my-face expression. Kookie held my hands and dragged me along to our original plan for that day. 

I was happy for the rest of the evening even though that, at the back of my mind I couldn't help to wonder why Jimin seemed so uneasy seeing me. Hmm...


It's been 6 months now. Starting from the first day, every staff knew who I was. I mean the rookie star after BTS. 

They didn't know that I am Kookie's girlfriend yet. 

The other five (BTS's angels) and Nam Joon had advised Kookie not to tell everyone. (yes, all his hyungs knew who I was by the way). 

Even Jimin seemed to like me after I showcased my dance to Butterfly and Nothing Like Us. He as a contemporary dancer fancied another dance to practice with me which I hadn't respond of course.

I looked at Kookie and started to outweigh my acceptance to Jimin's offer. He looked annoyed obviously. 

I knew right away that he will reject it and against much. He didn't like me being touch by others. That notion was a bit possessive in a childish manner. I chuckled at his jealousy. (the needy-Kookie amused me so much)

Author's note: 

Ah, my eyes are getting blurred and tired. But continue this story I WILL...

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