Professor Lupin

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"This is absolutely awful! Harry's been gone a month now!" Hermione sat across from Ron on the train, the only compartment left had been one with a strange man asleep near the window.

"Hermione, you've re-read that letter 12 times now, if there was a hidden message in it someone would've seen it by now." Ron reassured her. He had been sure at the beginning of the month that Harry would turn up in a few days as he was prone to danger yet always came out unharmed. The worry was now beginning to creep up on him and the both of them had found the past week hard to relax and sleep.

"I know... it says he's fine, and it's his hand writing but..." Hermione paused to look at the man they believed to be sleeping. "...if he's with Black which even Dumbledore believes to be true then nobody knows what could happen to him..." She exclaimed all her frustration out and the two of them sat in silence for a good hour, deep in thought.

Suddenly the train jerked, the temperature dropped significantly and the lights were shut off.

"What was that?" Hermione whispered. As they both sat with caution and not moving a muscle, the stranger by the window stirred, waking up his eyes lingered on Hermione and then Ron.

Before he could speak the compartment door began to creep open, the windows were frozen and Ron scooted towards the window distancing himself. As the door was completely opened, a dark figure stood in the doorway and seemed to look at each person inside. As though it had not found anything of interest it turned to leave yet before it could move more than a few inches the man stood up and pronounced "Expecto Patronum!"

A white beam shot from his wand and the dark figure was thrown back out the door of the train, followed by 3 more of them from different areas of the train. Ron and Hermione turned their heads towards the man, Rons face was one of shock yet Hermione instantly questioned him.

"Who are you?" She said

"Remus Lupin." He replied. "The new defence against the dark arts professor at Hogwarts."

"Oh... sorry." Hermione was slightly embarrassed having questioned a professor so abruptly. "But why are you traveling on the train? Couldn't you just floo?"

"I could.." he said. "...I decided to take the train to look out for Harry Potter, Professor Dumbledore has been very worried and I was the first to volunteer out of the staff."

"He's not here sir, we should know we're his best mates..." Ron said with more worry in his voice.

"Ah... well I can assure you that there has been a great deal of wizards and witches scouring the country for him." Professor Lupin smiled at them. "Well I'd excuse me I need to have a word with the driver." With that he left them both slightly comforted but also more worried that he hadn't been found with so many people looking for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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