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____'s POV

It was another morning nothing much happening...Ben invited me to play his new PS4 later at the afternoon...And later at night...Jeff said a guy named Cry is coming...I was a little excited because I watch his YouTube video's especially his livestreams...(A/N-It's Cryaotic...he's coming for a visit at the mansion)...

I went downstairs to see Slenderman...since I was still new here...I try avoiding as much creepypasta's as I could...

I saw Slenderman in the kitchen making something for breakfast.

"hi, Slender" I greeted.

"hello child, what brings you to the kitchen" Slender asked.

"nothing, I just felt like I should see you" I replied.

"well then, will you like to help me cook?" Slender asked.

"OH SURE!, can I make dessert?" I exclaimed.

"sure child" Slender answered.

So that's it...I helped Slender cook some bacon and eggs, toast, and waffles...I made cheesecake for the dessert.

Slender told me to tell Jeff that it's breakfast time.(hope you got that)

"ok, i'll tell everybody straight away" Jeff two fingered saluted me as he turned around.

It made me blush at the thought that he's so cute and I never knew he was a bit nice.

It was breakfast time and I sat beside Jane and Jeff was across...Slender put down the trays and let everybody eat...I finished my bacon and eggs and then announced a few words...

"well children, since ____ decided to help me cook...she prepared a little surprise..." Slender said and pulled out the tray where I made my cheesecake.

"CHEESECAKE!" Masky and Hoodie shouted.

I chuckled at their reaction...and everybody started eating the cake I made...It was delicious!

everybody dismissed and I went back to my room. I got ready to go to Ben's room.

I got to Ben's room and I knocked.

"w-wait a minute!" Ben shouted from inside. Then opened the door.

"____! You ready to play?" Ben asked.

"YUP!" I said and we both got inside.

We both played Sonic and mostly I won...Jeff came in about an hour ago and watched us play.

"UGH!! I HATE THIS!!!, you know what let's do this the proper way..." And with that Ben morphed me and Jeff inside the game.


"what?" I asked Ben who was beside me "where are we?" I asked again.


" were in the game I want to see how you do in real life" I smirked.

"wait if were in sonic then where's Sonic?" Jeff asked.

"I asked him to call everybody" I replied pointing at the screen.


back to your POV

Everyone was watching us I looked at Ben then at Jeff.

"well then, let's go already" Ben said and stopped at the starting line.

Jeff and I followed.

The light went red...then yellow...and then...GREEN!

I started running as fast as I can and it went pretty good cause I was far infront of them but not too far that I can't see them.

I saw a loop I sped up and got over the loop...I stopped for a minute and looked back...Jeff and Ben had a hard time getting up and out the loop.

~1 hour later~

I waited for them cause it's not gonna be a challenge for me...and finally Jeff got over...Ben is still having trouble.

"sup..." Jeff said.

"you think we should leave him?" I asked Jeff and he nodded...

So I started running...but this time me and Jeff are neck and neck...We were picking up the pace until I saw that this place had bloodstains on it and a lot...

I stopped because I didn't want to know what comes next...Jeff looked back at me and stopped too...

"what's wrong?" Jeff asked.

"I don't want to go further" I replied.

"Chillax! Sonic won't hurt you!" He smirked.

I just shook my head...but before you could back up...He held your hand ran had no choice but to come with him...he stopped with you...

Sonic was infront of both of you...he stared at you but then gestured both of you to go to the right and not forward...Jeff did as told and ran to the right...

As soon as you both lost the sight of bloodstains Jeff stopped and let go of your hand...

"so?...are you ok?" He smirked. You nodded.

Another traffic light appeared before us and flashed red...Yellow...GREEN!

then both of you started were ahead Jeff, and Jeff on the other hand was smirking.

You saw the finish just kept running, the finish line was right infront of you...but then as you stepped before the finish line Sonic then appeared infront of you...then it went...BLACK...

Candy Killer~♡- (Jeff x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now