Chapter Two

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Meeting Claira was the probably the only moment that day I had smiled, after I found my classroom I was introduced to the whole class by my homeroom teacher Mr Parker, a fifty something year old man with a beer belly and nearly bald head who I thought was going deaf and at a rapid pace.

"Class this is Luke Dot-"  began Mr Parker in his wheezy voice.

"Scott, Sir"

"Luke Scott. He's moved here all the way from California-"

"Michigan, Sir"

"Michigan. So please make him feel welcome"

Their was a warm round of applause and I was then finally allowed to go sit down.

I began to walk to the back when I heard someone say "Hey, new kid, come sit here"  I turned and saw a boy to my left  who was sitting next too two other boys. The boy was tall, very tall and skinny with black curly hair.

"Hey Kid, I'm Matthew but you can call you Matt" he held out his hand with his long skinny fingers which somewhat resembled a spider and I shook it. "And this is " he said turning around to the kids on his left "Tweak and Johnny" 

Johnny was a tall pale kid with many freckles around his nose and cheeks, Tweak on the other hand was short and chubby with light blonde hair. "You're Luke right?" said the boy named Tweak.

"Yeah" I replied.

Johnny let out a grunt.

"Oh- Johnny doesn't talk much, Luke. Don't worry you'll get used to it" I didn't know what too say so I just stood their. "Are you going to sit down or just stand their like an idiot?" asked Matt. I quickly sat down on the seat to the right of him.  

"So you're from Michigan?" asked Tweak.


"Must of been pretty bad their to move to this shit town" said Matty.

I nodded.  

Matt and I didn't get a chance too speak after that, we were too busy listening to Mr Parker who was unfourtanetly also our history teacher. When the bell finally rang for lunch I felt relieved until a new problem entered my mind; Who would I hang out with? I had made no friends so far, I didn't know anyone either so what was I supposed to do all of lunch? Fourtanetly, just as I was at my locker, about to get my sandwich, silently worrying about the problem when Matty and the group came up to me.

"Hurry up Luke, we're not waiting all day and we've got shit to do"

"Waiting for me?" I asked blankly.

"Yes waiting for you. Are you always this dim?"

I tried to hide the shock on my face. Too be honest, a part of me thought this was too good to be true and that this was going to end up into a prank they put on new kids. Despite this, I saw that none of the other guys were eating so I decided aganist taking out my sandwich, quickly closed my locker and followed them. We started to walk towards the boys toilets.

"Now listen Luke" said Tweak, slowing down to my pace to talk to me.

"Where we're going, you can't tell anyone okay?" he continued "Or they'll be trouble"

"You don't want me too tell anyone we're going to the toilets?" I asked trying to contain my laughter.

"These aren't toilets" Said Tweak.

"They aren't?" I asked.

"Nope. Well, they used to be not anymore, we converted it. No teachers or janitors go in here anymore. People graffiti it a lot, so teachers would always be checking it, but the teachers could never find a culprit, so they sort of gave up checking it out and the janitors gave up cleaning it because it would just get dirty again the next day"

We stopped in front of the toilets and Matt turned towards me again.

"I'm warning you now Luke, We found out you ratted this out to anyone and you are dead to us. We hate rats, right Johnny?" said Matt turning to Johnny.

Johnny let out a grunt, nodding.

"Right" I said hastily. I really didn't want to start trouble on my first day at a new school and especially with guys who were letting me hang out with them.

Matt looked around for teachers and knocked on the door three times. A moment later the door swung open and Tweak ushered me into the toilet.

Inside were four people, some sitting on the basin others on the ground, but all of them were smoking cigarettes.

Matt then entered the toilet.

"It's clear" He looked around at everyone, looking twice at one of the basins that nobody was sitting on.

"She's not here" said the girl in a rough voice who was sitting on the basin near me, staring at where Matt was looking. She had messy black hair which was in a bun and she also gave off a strong feelling of intimidation. She reminded me strongly of Jane. "Bitch is probably somewhere with her boyfriend"

"Shut up Kath" said Matt in a annoyed voice, a couple of the other people in the bathroom gave her a disapproving look.

"Who's this?" She said ignoring Matt as she jumped off the basin and walked towards me. "I haven't seen this guy before" She eyed me up and down, a look of curiousity in her face.

"This is Luke. He's new here and no he won't rat us out, he's a decent guy" Added Matt looking at a guy on his right who had a scowl on his face.

"Does he smoke?" Asked Kath still staring up at my face, it was starting to feel very uncomfortable.

"I don't know why don't you ask him?" Said Matt angrily.

"Matt relax" Said Tweak.

She stared at Matt for a while before turning her glance back on me.

"Do you smoke?" Asked Kath as she began to light another cigarette.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you deaf? I asked if you smoke" She said, a smirk at her own bitchiness on her face.

"No I've nev-"

She shoved the newly lit cigarette in between my lips.

"Now you do" She said turning away, grabbing her bag off the floor as I breathed in my first cigarette and had a coughing fit "I'm going" She said looking at the other people. They all looked at each other before picking up their things and standing up,  as she walked to the doorway she leaned into my ear and said

"Oh and by the way, I'm Kath. I'm also single"

She and her friends then exited the bathroom leaving me and the guys standing there.



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