Chapter 4:

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I was speechless. I actually felt dizzy. I just sat there, staring at the dark bruises that were around Louis' lower body. My mouth was hanging open, I couldn’t take my eyes off of them. Suddenly, anger flashed through me. May has been hurting Louis! What the actual hell?!

I jumped up and ran a hand through my hair. I started pacing back and forth on the pier, Louis staring up at me.

“Louis! What the hell?! H-how?! Why didn’t you tell someone!?”

“Nessa, please-” Louis started, I cut him off.

“I know she's in rehab but if I ever get my hands on her it won’t be pretty! In fact, she’ll be lucky if I don’t go over there now and-” I ranted.

“Nessa! Let me explain!” Louis yelled.

“We have to tell the police Louis! This is horrible! She’s freaking-“

“VANESSA PLEASE!” Louis screamed.

I looked down at him and saw tears slowing trickling down his cheeks. I suddenly felt guilty. This was obviously horrible enough, he didn’t need me flipping out.

I took a deep breath out to calm myself and walked back over to him. I sat down and placed an arm around his shoulder. I could tell he was still crying so I took a softer approach.

“Louis, hun, we have to tell the police.” I whispered.

“Nessa, just let me explain first.” He sighed.

What did he have to explain? I didn’t really see an explanation to this. However, I stayed quiet as he breathed before starting.

“I fell in love with May a year ago. She was a shy, sweet girl. But… I started noticing changes around a month ago. She was more outspoken, acting out, it kind of terrified me. A few weeks ago…well she…she started…” He trailed off.

“She started hitting you.” I finished for him.

He nodded slowly. “But what you don’t understand is that I just wanted the girl I fell in love with a year ago back! She wasn’t always like she is now…she would change in a matter of a second. She’d go from hitting me to kissing me, I was just so confused!”

Tears began to stream down his face again. I let him cry into my shoulder for a couple of minutes before speaking again.

“Lou, I completely understand why you didn’t say anything, okay? But I still think we need to go to the police and tell them…”

“No!” He burst, leaning back to look at me. “Please Nessa, I don’t want people to know. The press will find out and it will just turn into a big mess!”

I thought it through my head. May was in rehab, she couldn’t hurt Louis anymore…should we just leave it?

I looked at Louis for a long moment before saying;

“Okay. We won’t tell the police, but Lou? You can tell me anything anytime you want. I don’t want you keeping secrets like this anymore, it just tears you up inside.” I smiled, reaching up and moving a stray hair from his fringe to the side.

He smiled for the first time since May was taken away. I shivered, realizing that night had fallen and it was getting cold. I got up and offered my hand to Lou, who took it and I helped him up.

“How about we get home, yeah?” I smiled up at him. I was a shortie, so he was taller than me.

“I’d love that.” He smiled back.

And with that, we walked back, hand in hand, to the house. This moment actually felt…perfect. If you forget the drama crap going on around us. There was a comfortable silence as we walked, which made me smile.

When we finally made it to the front door of the house, I was just about to open the door and walk in when Louis pulled me back.

“Yes?” I asked him.

“Erm, you aren’t going to tell the boys right? Cause it’s kind of embarrassing…” He said, looking down.

I lifted his chin up to look at me before saying;

“Louis, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. But none the less, I won’t say anything unless you want me to.” I whispered.

He smiled and then lent down to give me a hug. I hugged him back, taking in his scent. My heart was fluttering, he really was amazing…with his cap and his chains…Ugh I have to stop thinking like this! Friends…Best friends…that is all we are.

I pulled away and walked into the house, Louis trailing behind me.

“Hello people of earth!” I called, walking into the living room where all the boys were sat watching football. Boys.

“There you guys are! We were starting to think you had been eaten by wolves or something!” Zayn said to us.

I laughed. “Wolves?”

“It’s possible.” Zayn said, turning back to the T.V.

“Not really…I could take a wolf.” Louis grinned, walking in and sitting down on an armchair.

The rest of the boys looked kind of shocked at Louis' sudden change of mood, but soon regained themselves as they didn’t want to change that.

I heard Louis ask what match was going on, and the rest of the boys start filling him in on what was happening. I looked over and saw Niall wink at me before mouthing;

Nice one.

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