Chapter 5

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Rainclaw heard what Nightpelt said. Finally, she's telling her! As she was padding to the Apprentice's den, she felt a drop of water dampen her nose. Then she felt it on her back. "It's raining!" She called out. At once, everyone dashed into their den. 

The dark gray clouds were growing quickly. Then the ground shook and a flash was seen in the distance. Before she could say it, Moonshine warned the clan instead. "Storm!" Rainclaw saw a stone icicle crack. Then another, and another. "Evacuate!" She yowled. "The stone icicles are falling!"

Moonshine commanded the strongest cats to look in the dens. "Thunderstrike, check the medicine den! Nightpelt, check the nursery! Yellowmoon, check the Warrior's den! Rainclaw, check the Elder's den! Cloudclaw, check the Apprentice's den!" Rainclaw rushed in the Elder's den to see Shymeat napping. 

Rainclaw put both front paws on him. "Shymeat! We're evacuating! Come on!" He shot up and dashed out of camp. Lots of energy for an elder.

Thunderstrike sped out of the medicine den, a panicked look on his face. "Settingclaw is trapped behind a boulder! I can't squeeze through the gap!" Stormsky stepped towards his brother. "I might be able to fit through." Lightningpelt joined him. "He is the shortest cat in the clan." Thunderstrike shook his head. "There isn't any way to get her out. Even if you can fit, she can't fit. There's no way to get her out."

 Everyone raced out of camp, with no choice but to leave Settingclaw. Rainclaw glanced back at the Medicine den. I'm sorry we can't do anything. She turned back to catch up with the clan. All of the clan except Settingclaw.

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