chapter 2

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Rosie Evans:

The end of summer meant the beginning of sophomore year. My last day of summer was spent with Beverly at the local dinner in town. We drank milkshakes and ate fries with the money we earned through babysitting. Sitting there with Beverly was calming. I don't know what would have happened to me if I hadn't met Beverly the first day of school 8 years ago.

"...So then I go up to Mr. Harrington and I'm like 'screw you, you balding old turd'" I spit out my chocolate milkshake laughing at the memory. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Mr. Harrington, our health teacher, had given her a D on her project so she walked up to his desk to ask him about it and then when it was really quiet in the classroom she yelled that. She had detention for a week after that but in her mind it was worth it.

"I remember that" "oh my gosh that was so funny" "his face when you said that" "priceless" I say trying to contain my laughter but fail.

The strawberry blonde looks at her watch. "Shit I gotta get home. My dad will flip his shit if I'm not home soon." I tensed knowing what that meant.

I had never been very fond of Al. You could even go as far to say that I hated him. She had told me stories of what he had done to her one night when she ran to my house to get away from him. She insisted that she was fine and that I was just overreacting but that didn't stop me from voicing my opinion.

"You know you can spend the night at my house anytime right? My parents love you and don't mind you coming over."

"I'll be fine Rosie. Besides there's nothing to worry about. He's only like that when he drinks." So he's like that all the time.

"Okay but promise me if anything happens at all and I mean anything, come to my house. You don't even need to call. Okay?"

"Okay. Love you Evans. I'll see you tomorrow. Meet by the entrance alright."

"Sounds good and love you too Marsh. Be safe, I'll see you tomorrow."

And that was our friendship. Constantly looking out and loving each other.

     When I walked home from the diner I saw Richie playing football in his front yard with his best friend Eddie.

     "Hi Richie. Hey Eddie."

     "Hi Rosie." The both said in unison

     "Are you guys excited for the beginning of sophomore year tomorrow?"

     "Not particularly. It's just school. Nothing special about it." Eddie was never too fond of me. To be fair I wasn't very fond of him either but he was Richies best friend so I had to be polite

"Nothing special about it? You learn something new everyday to prepare you for your future. I find it particularly intriguing."

"Well if by intriguing you mean unbelievably boring, then yes, I️ would agree."

I rolled my eyes at Richie. I continued walking to my house. "You're just thinking like everyone else. I feel sorry for you." With that final remark I walk into my yard and go inside.

Richie Tozier:

"She feels sorry for me? Why the fuck would she feel sorry for me? If anything I should feel sorry for her for actually liking that school bullshit."

"Don't think too much about it. It's Rosie Evans we're talking about. The strangest girl in our class."

"Agreed. She is constantly trying to talk to me and not to mention she has liked me for 8 years. I know I'm a ladies man but seriously, out of all the girls in our high school why her?"

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