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"Come on you slow child." Jacob yelled towards Natalee as she put her bags in the car. "Jacob, shut up." She giggled, he couldn't tell how much she was holding in. After her parents divorce her and her brother have decided to go to new school. But, little did they know they only got accepted for special reasons. Wonder why Natalee is whiter then her twin brother? Maybe because they're vampires, or she needs a tan. Natalee ran back into the house telling Jacob she needed to get Flake. He rolled his eyes. Of course she was getting Flake, which is her deaf cat. She never trusted anyone with her cat. Especially not her dad, she never really trusted her dad in general. Jacob got in the car as Natalee ran back out with her spoiled cat wrapped in a blanket, sleeping like a baby, except, not the whining part. She quickly jumped in the car. Jacob smiled at her. Ever since the divorce he's always been there for her, no matter what. Pretty much a perfect brother, like a fairy tale. Natalee put earbuds inside her ears and turned on her phone, playing the song A Thousand Years. It made her think of her love life, but, without a guy, since she was single. Jacob on the other hand turned up his rap music, while bobbing his head back and forth. They were both accepted into Jeopardy University. Sort of a weird name for a school. They had an hour until they were there. The song after was Boys like you. Natalee listened to lyrics in songs, which is why she didn't like rap, the things they said were either inappropriate or didn't make since. Only some songs were good. Natalee started to tear up while listening to it. She loved sad songs, but hated that they made her sad. She continued to listen to it as she laid her head on the window, while she looked out the window, she drifted off to sleep.

"Natalee get up." Natalee's father told her. She got up and yawned wondering why her dad woke her up on Winter break. He had a knife in his hand. She noticed it and quickly jumped to conclusions. He grabbed her arm and took her by the door. "Jenny get close to Natalee and I'll kill her. She's coming with me." Her Dad said. She instantly bursted into tears. Hoping her brother would hear her. She could hear his bed crack while he got up, and wondered why she heard it so well. There was a back way to the door and her brother slipped through. Natalee noticed him texting his moms friend to call the police. Then he grabbed the knife and took his sister holding her head to his chest as she cried, then pointing the knife at his dad to back away. Natalee had no idea why this was happening. And she was later informed that her dad was doing meth, and her mom caught him telling him to leave or she'd call the cops and keep the kids.
Jacob noticed Natalee fell asleep and tried to wake her since they were at the University. She woke up after he tapped her about 3 times. "We are here." He told her. She fake smiled at him and stepped out of the car. She put Flake inside his cat carrier, happy that they told her she could bring her pet. She looked at the University. It was huge. And in the distance she seen a boy staring at her. She rubbed her arm nervously. About 5 minutes later, a man and what it looked like to be his sons came out to greet them. "Hi, I assume you are Jacob and Natalee, nice to meet you, I'm John Smith, the Dean, and these are my sons Kade and Nathan." The Dean shook Natalee and Jacobs hands as well did Kade and Nathan. Natalee looked at Nathan and he looked as if he didn't wanna greet them. The Dean continued, "Nathan will show Natalee around, since they have similar classes and Kade will show Jacob." Jacob looked uneasy. He probably wanted classes with Natalee. Nathan started walking towards the building fast and Natalee ran up to him, not holding the carrier because Jacob had taken the kitten. Nathan looked at Natalee and rolled his eyes. "This isn't the school for you." He told her with fierce eyes. Natalee finally got the courage to say something. "And why's that." She looked back at him, her eyes crystal blue. He stopped walking and walked towards her backing her into a corner of the building. "Because your not special." He said simply. Natalee shivered. How rude of him to say to her. "Okay. That's you opinion." She said as she walked off. He seemed to get pissed that she walked off. Though he drove her away. Natalee kept on walking until she bumped into what it looked like to be a homeless man. "I'm sorry sir excuse me." She tried to walk by but he blocked her way. He opened his mouth and Natalee examined his teeth. It looked like fangs. Small veins under his eyes appeared. Natalee screamed. Right before he sunk his teeth into her throat, a dagger flew towards him and pierced him through his heart. Kade came running. "Are you okay?" He asked her, not panting at all. She shook her head. Nathan came from behind her. "Nathan what the hell! Dad said to watch her! Are you mad!" Kade yelled towards Nathan. Nathan grabbed Natalee's arm. "She's not a wizard why is she here." Nathan argued while Natalee started to put the pieces together, quite fast. "Nathan! She could be werewolf, or wizard, or-" "Sons, she is a wizard, why else would I bring her and her brother here, their mom put a force on them so no one would know." The Dean said. Natalee was so off. She had a flashback of when she was a baby and her mom spoke weird words to her. Nathan looked at Kade. "Impossible." He said. "Possible."

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