Chapter 3

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Blinking his eyes open and yawning, Tuna stood up on the bed and stretched, meowing gently. He hopped off the bed and walked out of the bedroom in search of Jackson. He sniffed at the air before following the scent to the bathroom, peeking in to see the human standing by the shower.

"Oh, you're awake." Jackson mumbled to the cat, bending down to scratch him behind the ears.

He looked back at the shower and pulled out a few blonde hairs from the drain, making a slight face before showing them to Tuna, "Did someone break in here and take a shower or something?" He asked, once again having a conversation with the cat as if he could understand.

Tuna looked at the hairs and batted at them with a paw, acting nonchalant about it even though on the inside he was panicking. I have to be more careful. He thought before looking away from the hairs and winding himself through Jackson's legs, rubbing his head against them.

Jackson sighed and threw the hairs away, figuring that it was from someone that he brought home a while back and forgot about. He picked Tuna up and walked out of the bathroom, setting the cat down in the kitchen. He hummed to himself as he made the white ball of fluff some food, setting it down in front of him.

"I'll be home late, little guy. I'm going out with someone after work." He announced, patting the cat's head before going to his room to get ready.

An hour after Jackson had left, Tuna let out a huff and shifted into his human form. Now human Mark looked around the area before opening the door and stepping out. Making sure the coast was clear and nobody was watching, he closed the door and walked down the sidewalk, keeping his head down as he went.

"What am I going to do today?" He mumbled to himself, glancing up for a moment to look around.

A familiar voice grabbed his attention a second later, so he followed it until he came up on a cute little cafe that couples were sure to go to. He blinked when he saw Jinyoung sitting across from an unfamiliar male, eating with him. Oh, so that must be the Jaebum that they were talking about yesterday. Moving over so he was next to a short bush, he bent down next to it as he decided to eavesdrop on them.

"There's this art gallery that my mom got tickets to and there's one extra one. Would you like to go with me?" Jaebum asked, taking a sip of his drink.

Mark could see the little smile on Jinyoung's face and he smiled as well, always having been one to like it when other people were happy. He let out a small sigh and continued to listen in on their conversation. With his oversensitive hearing, it was easy to hear even if someone was far away from him.

"Yeah, I'll go. Could be interesting." Jinyoung said, smiling as he took a bite of his breakfast and looked around.

Mark froze when his and Jinyoung's eyes connected for a second. Before Jinyoung could even do a double take, Mark was up and running back towards the safety of his home.

Those eyes seem familiar. Jinyoung thought before looking back at Jaebum.

It was around 9:45pm when Jackson arrived home, and this time he had brought a guy home with him that he met after work. He took his shoes off and chuckled when the guy nearly tripped, taking hold of his arm so he wouldn't fall.

"Easy there. Don't want you hurting your pretty face." He said, winking flirtatiously and causing the guy, whose name was Tyler, to blush.

Hearing the voice, Tuna jumped down from the bed and pranced into the living room, only to stop dead in his tracks as he spotted the other male next to Jackson. He narrowed his eyes, a growl bubbling out from his throat.

Upon hearing the noise, Tyler looked over at Tuna and smiled, a childish squeal appearing as he went to pick him up, "He's so cute." He mumbled.

Tuna hissed and ducked away from Tyler, his hair standing on end as he went over to Jackson, rubbing his head against the man's body.

"Um, sorry about that. He's not usually this hostile towards people." Jackson said, an apologetic smile on his face as he reached down and Tuna up, cradling him in his arms.

"I'll just go get him some food." He said a moment later and walked into the kitchen, putting Tuna back down on the floor and getting him some food.

"Behave, Tuna. You're better than that." Jackson said, reaching down to scratch the cat behind the ears before going back out to Tyler.

"Want to watch a movie?" He asked, smiling when Tyler nodded and turned the TV on. He searched through the movies until he found some movie that seemed funny.

Halfway during the starting point of it, Tuna came back into the living room and hopped up onto the couch, narrowing his eyes at Tyler before promptly plopping down in Jackson's lap, crossing his paws and pointedly staring at Tyler with his head tilted a little. This made Jackson sigh and pick Tuna up, placing him on the floor.

"Go play." He mumbled, throwing an arm around Tyler's shoulders and looking back towards the TV.

After a while, the two got bored of the movie and started making out. Jackson placed his hands on Tyler's hips and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss and smirking when he let out a moan.

Tuna growled lowly as he watched the scene, wondering what he could do to make the damn bothersome male go away. He climbed up to the top of the couch and attempted to squeeze himself between them, but Jackson pushed him away with a hand.

Irritated beyond belief, Tuna jumped down from the couch and circled the coffee table, huffing a few times before he looked at Tyler once more. He bent down in stalking position and waited for a moment before pouncing, his claws coming out and attaching themselves to Tyler's leg.

Yelping in pain, Tyler pulled away and rubbed at his leg when Tuna let go. The cat looked satisfied as he sat there, a look of slight sassiness in his eyes.

"Tuna! Bad." Jackson said, picking the cat up and putting him in the bedroom before going back to Tyler, inspecting his leg.

"It doesn't seem too bad. I'm sorry about him." He said, an apologetic smile on his face as he sat back down.

"It's okay. I don't really think he likes me much, so I don't want to invade his space. I think I should be heading home." Tyler mumbled, standing up from his spot.

Jackson sighed and nodded, his mood decreasing since his date was interrupted. He opened the door and watched Tyler leave, waving to him before shutting the door and locking it. Eyeing the bedroom door, he walked over to it and went into his room, eyes zeroing in on the white ball of fluff currently laying in the middle of his bed.

"You seriously just ruined my night." Jackson grumbled, stripping out of his clothes so he was only in his boxers.

Tuna stood up and went over to where Jackson was, slowly rubbing up against him and purring. He peeked up at him, his eyes pulling off an almost innocent look. Jackson stared right into Tuna's eyes and sighed, sagging a little in defeat.

"You're impossible to stay mad at." He commented, picking the cat up and crawling underneath the blankets. With a tired sigh, he laid Tuna on the pillow next to his head and smiled before closing his eyes, falling asleep.

Tuna snuggled up between the crook of Jackson's neck and shoulder, laying his head on the pillow and falling asleep as well.


PandaxoxoDragon's Note: Enjoy the third chapter guys!! We're having fun writing this story, so I hope you have fun reading it as well. Stay tuned for the future chapters.

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