The Bodyguard 08 - First Impressions and Lasting Affections

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I don't know what I have signed in to until I am in it. Looking at them interact like this, a question is rising up from my head: 'Where is the brat from those issues and articles?'

I don't know if my eyes are fooling me, but this...cute...boy having this closeness with his parent isn't the hallmark of a brat.

Please tell me he's not near-sighted. The way he moves and interacts with his dad is how my Oung-Oung describes his relationship with his dad. There's already so much similarity in their features. If this Wayo is near-sighted too, I don't know if I will be able to stop myself from jumping him.

He's just so cute!

The very beautiful color of his flustered cheeks, soft and smooth-looking. I wonder if those puffy cheeks are just as soft as it looks. I wanna squish them and feel them and kiss them...okay, too extreme.

Phana Kongthanin, behave. We don't want to scare this angel.

If Wayo is my Oung-Oung and my Oung-Oung is Wayo, I'm dead. This will be a very good and a very difficult job.

Very good, because I get to be with my lovely Oung-Oung everyday.

Very difficult, because I will have to restrain myself from grabbing him and keeping him for myself!

That's it! We won't be going outside the perimeter of this property. No Wayo goes in, no Wayo goes out. Off limits!

But, that's not nice. He will be suffocated will he not? I don't want that. Hmmmm.

But, what if this Wayo isn't my Oung-Oung? I don't want it to seem like I'm cheating on him. I don't want that cute ball of preciousness to be hurt, especially by my own filthy hands.

No! I have a mission to accomplish. A mission worth a nation. It must be top priority. Oung-Oung is top priority too~

Ugh! This is so mind-wrecking!

Obviously, all of those thoughts are just running and flying and rumbling inside my brain. I have a stern and strict image to uphold. I don't want him to think that he has so much hold to my sanity. Not that it's entirely false. I just want to have at least a bit of my integrity left in me.

In my own fantasy world, I'm already a sucker for Oung-Oung's beauty and cuteness and loads of being adorable. He should, at least, allow me to put up this facade worthy of my occupation.

Still, I can't help but dote on him as he playfully bicker with his dad. Will I be calling him dad too, in the future?

WOAH! Hold it right there, Phana Kongthanin. Just you wait and hold up! Are you seriously doing that today, of all days?

Remember your mission!

National security.


Data files.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

That's good. Set the mind to the most important detail first.

Oh gosh! Wayo is pouting. I can't take ot anymore! I wanna hug him.

I break their own little Dad-son bubble with a fake cough. They look at me briefly before breaking the headlock Minister Panitchayasawad has on his son.

Wayo sticks his tongue out to his dad, which the older returns just as playfully. I am looking at them funny.

Have I just signed up to a baby-sitting job for two kids? Mentally, I am banging my head on the wall.


It's 12:51 in the midnight. I am laying on my bed in the Panitchayasawad mansion and reflect on the day's events.

First, the main player in my mission looks exactly the same as the one person who practically inspires me to live. Then, there's the detail that he holds the information of the location of those files and data.

I'm very happy that this mission is given to me. It's giving me the chance to, hopefully, meet the one I feel so deeply with.

In the past, I was cold-hearted and hard. I am almost a heartless assassin of the special police force. In my early years on the job, I had stained my hands with blood of criminals and people with filthy police records. I am one of the scythes of the Thai police force, working in the dark.

I was set on to be ruthless, to be ready to shed dirty blood for the sake of peace and humanity's future...until I met him. Well, not personally.

The mission I had to do at that time was to go undercover and secretly expose the anomaly and under-the-table transactions between the University Director and a group of Drug syndicate, all without the knowledge of the owner of the University. That's when I met Kit and Beam...and him.

Falsifying my documents and credentials, I was accepted and admitted for the faculty of medicine with a fake age.

I acted like a real student. I interacted with people like a real student. I was chosen Moon of the faculty, and has to be on constant exposure, so I put up my own website where I put all my pictures as a stash of my re-student life.

I know the risk of putting up that website, but it gave me an extension of myself. To express myself in a way I cannot do when I am Phana Kongthanin—special police officer, government assassin, executioner. At least, in the website, I am P'Pha. Just P'Pha. No one knows who I really am, but they know who I want to be if given another chance for a different life.

And then, more than a year after I established the website, a specific someone started sending me messages. At first, I find the messages burdensome and annoying. Then, they became subtle confessions. Until the messages became tales of his days. The next thing I know, I'm already craving for his messages. Everytime he says I can brighten his day, I smile. Everytime he says I make him smile, I'm also happy.

Is it possible to feel something so deep for someone, in this way? With every thought of him, I feel several emotions that I never thought I will be able to feel at all. Somehow, he saved me. Saved me from myself. Saved me from the depth of this darkness I possess.

Is it safe to say that I like him? That I love him?

When he started attaching photos of himself, I am not disappointed. His bright face invades my dreams. Dreams that used to be nightmares filled with images of the people whose blood have been spilt by my own hands.

Thinking back to Wayo, if he really is my Oung-Oung, I WILL protect him with my life.


P'Pha is this mansion...with us...sleeping in this mansion!

Sleep is not visiting me. I keep rolling and turning in bed. My heart is still beating fast. Does P'Pha know who I really am? Well, it's a given he knows me from all my 'scandals'. But, what does he think of me? Did I make an awful impression with the way I acted a while ago?

I want to bang my head on the wall out of shame.

This must be unusual and a whole lot of uncomfortable for him. I am afraid he will think very badly of me as he knows me.

But, I'm also very happy. Having him here near me. Am I too selfish?

Suddenly, having a bodyguard doesn't sound so bad anymore.


P'Pha has a dark past. Will it affect how they interact? Will they overcome their insecurities and be happy?

How's it guys? Sappy? Crappy? Too boring? Let me know, okay?

Cute picture of Bas is not mine. Credits to owner.

Thank you very much!
Maraming salamat po!


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