Words Of Wisdom

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     So bullying is still a thing and everyone seems to do it to me or at least used to. Most people didn't find me to be an appealing person to be with just because I was a little overweight. I tried real hard to lose the weight and fit in but I realized something during that time. I don't have to change the way I am, if they don't like me for who I am why should I try hard to be friends with them. The way of the world is scary and life is too everything is just a bunch of nonsense. Nothing is fair to anyone ever and everyone is mistreated but not everyone deserves to get help from others. I tried my hardest to be the nice guy to everyone in life but why should I be like that if no one will return the generosity. Everyone remember the phrase treat people like you wanna be treated. Why act mean then expect kindness. The way of life is complex and difficult but if you try to keep it simple thats the way it'll go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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