blackberry fandfic awh yeah booii <4

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i ran to my mom and peed on her and she gave me her old crusty blackberry. I petted it and tamed it i put it on my leash and walked it to the grocery store. at the grocery store it killed alot of people with it's old age and then mysp[ace jumped out and ate my pet blackberry. OH FRICK MY LIFE. I killed myspace and whiped the blood on my face. i walked home and cried out garbage out of myu eyelids. i pucked on my bed. my mom walked in and she sat on my head like a bird. she said cakaw cakaw and then flew out my window. i walked in the bathroom and pulled out my razor i .. shaved my legs and ate the hair\\






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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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blackberry fandfic awh yeah booii &lt;4Where stories live. Discover now