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Perrie woke in the middle of the night to find Jade's side of the bed empty. She hadn't heard Jade get up, but she had been dead asleep, exhausted after their marathon lovemaking session that stretched from late afternoon into the deepest part of the night. Perrie had finally passed out after her ninth or tenth orgasm, when not even the urgent need to make Jade come just one more time could keep her going. She had been unconscious for a few hours at least, judging by the uncomfortable burn of her very full bladder.

No doubt Jade had gotten up with the same need. Unable to work up the energy to get out of bed, Perrie decided to wait until Jade came back before she forced her own legs to work. No matter how badly she needed to pee, she wasn't sure she was ready to move. It had been a long time since she'd had so much sex in so few hours.

Aches and pains aside, Jade's sexual appetite was a glorious revelation. Though Perrie had certainly seen hints that Jade was full of passion just waiting to be unleashed, she never dreamed what an amazing lover Jade would turn out to be. Especially for their first time together. Perrie shivered at the memory of Jade's fingers inside her and the first tentative touch of Jade's tongue against her clit. That Jade managed to be better at licking pussy than nearly any of her past lovers was surprising, and extremely exciting.

Incredibly, Perrie felt the stirrings of arousal in the pit of her stomach once more. She groaned as the need to pee increased with her ardor, then propped herself up on her elbows with effort, glancing at the bathroom door. It was wide open and the lights were off. Perrie sat up in bed, ignoring the protest from her weary muscles.


No answer. Perrie crawled to the foot of the bed and looked down at Jackson's empty pillow. A few feet away, Hatchi was curled into a tight ball on his own bed, but his ears were perked and his eyes followed her movement. When Perrie stood up, he sprang to his feet and rushed to the bedroom door.

"Sorry, Hatchi." Perrie dashed into the bathroom just in time. As much as she wanted to find Jade, she had priorities. "False alarm."

When Perrie finished she walked back into the bedroom. The digital alarm clock on Jade's nightstand told her it was after four. Where could Jade be so early in the morning? Had she woken up and panicked about what they had done? Perrie took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down. Jade wouldn't run away after all they'd been through.

Hatchi whined at the door. At least one of them was thinking clearly. If she wanted to know where Jade was, they would go find her. Simple as that. Perrie put on a pair of pajama pants and a long-sleeved T-shirt she found in Jade's chest of drawers, then followed Hatchi.

He led them to the front door, where he sat and whined again. Curious, Perrie opened the door and poked her head outside, not sure what to expect.

"Hey," Jade said quietly, startling Perrie. She sat on the porch swing with Jackson at her side. He stared out at the road with watchful eyes, as though standing guard. "What are you doing up?"

Perrie stepped out of the house into the brisk night air and shivered. "Had to pee. You were gone so I decided to make sure everything was okay."

Jade smiled and held out a hand. "Everything's great. Come sit down."

Wrapping her arms around her stomach, Perrie tiptoed to the swing, wishing she had put on some socks. "It's chilly out here."

"A little, yeah." Jade bent and pulled off her slippers, handing them to Perrie after she sat down. "Put these on."

"I would refuse, but I really, really need them." Perrie slipped them on and sighed as the downy insides immediately began to thaw her frozen toes. "Thank you."

"My pleasure." Jade eased her arm around Perrie's shoulders and pulled her close. "Let me help."

Perrie snuggled into Jade gratefully. She had no idea how Jade could still be so warm after sitting out here, but she was glad. "So what brings you out into the arctic?"

Jade laughed. "It's not that cold."

"I guess you're made of tougher stuff than me." Perrie knew that was true on many levels. She cuddled closer to Jade, kissing her on the cheek. "You sure everything's all right?"

"Yeah, I wanted to let you sleep. I didn't think I'd be able to if I stayed in bed."

Perrie's chest swelled. "Really?"

"Are you kidding? I could barely keep my hands off you. I want you constantly."

The naked desire in Jade's voice made Perrie's clit twitch. The muscles in her thighs ached and her pussy was sore from overuse, but she might be ready to go again. It was worth a try, at least. "You are so sexy, you know that?"

Even in the dark, she swore she could see Jade blush. "So you tell me."

Perrie put a hand on Jade's face, marveling at the heat suffusing her cheek. Was it evil that she liked making Jade squirm? "And I love how you lick my pussy."

Jade groaned. "Maybe we should go back inside."

"I like the way you think." Perrie sat up. She would need to drink some water to replace some of the fluids she had lost over the past twelve hours, but she was more than ready to pick up where they left off. She might be older than she used to be, but she wasn't dead yet. "I'm not sure I'll be able to walk tomorrow, but it'll be worth it."

Jade's hand landed on her arm just as Perrie was about to stand, stopping her. "Perrie?"

Sensing a shift in Jade's tone, Perrie looked into Jade's eyes. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry I've put you through everything I have. I know I accused you of not being patient enough, but you've been more than patient. Most people wouldn't be able to take on all my baggage. I get that."

"Neither of us has been perfect," Perrie said softly. "But we're trying. We're not giving up. No more apologies, okay?"

Jade nodded. "I just want you to know that even though I'm still scared of a lot of things, being with you isn't one of them."

Perrie covered Jade's hand with her own. She would be lying if she said the same thing. "It's okay to be scared, you know. Loving someone can be scary." Terrifying, even.

"The idea of not loving you is even scarier."

Perrie touched the side of Jade's neck and found her pulse, strong and steady. Nothing frightened Perrie more than the possibility of losing Jade. She still didn't know whether she would be able to survive another heartbreak of that magnitude. But after being separated for the last few weeks, she would do anything to be with Jade. Even risk her own happiness.

"To be honest, I'm still afraid," Perrie said. "But you're worth it, Jade. All the fear, even the possibility of pain. You're worth everything. And I will always be here for you, no matter what."

Unshed tears made Jade's eyes glitter in the early morning gloom. "I'm going to try and make you so happy."

"You do." Perrie couldn't imagine Jade making her any happier. Sure, there were things like going to restaurants and hanging out in the city. Or even doing something with Leigh-Anne. But those things would come eventually. Jade was capable of anything. And Perrie was more than willing to wait. "You make me very happy."

"Well, I plan to get better at it."

Trying to lighten the mood, Perrie drew a finger down the center of Jade's chest, between her breasts. "Better might just kill me, darling."

Jade shivered, and it had nothing to do with the cold. "Oh, no. I can definitely get better. But I'll need practice. Lots and lots of practice."

"Want to go practice now?" Jade stood, pulling Perrie to her feet and into a tight embrace. "I'd love that."

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