All that Katie could see was darkness, with one little flame flickering and struggling to light the surroundings. She could feel a cold breeze flowing gently through the rafters. And all that she knew was that she was holding a hand. The hand of her bestfriend.Isaac clasped Katie's hand in his, whilst hoping that they would be ok. They had been down in the bunker for a week now. A week without power. A week since the so called "Apocalypse". The Apocalypse that had killed their families. The Apocalypse that had turned their lives upside down.
All of a sudden, a large gust of wind flew through the rafters and the candle blew out. Then, just as quickly as the wind had blown through, the trapdoor of the bunker blew open and was yanked off its hinges, and a tornado of sand stormed through the gap in the roof. Katie and Isaac screamed as the angry cloud of sand engulfed them.
Isaac grabbed Katie's hand and pulled her along to where the trapdoor has once been. He clambered our and helped Katie out before it was too late. The two of them stumbled around, choking, coughing and gasping for air. After a while of taking in their surroundings, they managed to get to their feet. Everything was gone, and what wasn't gone was in ruins. There was sand all around them and there were no signs of life except themselves.
Imagine that. Finding out you are possibly and most likely the only people left on earth. Finding out everything and everyone you lived has been destroyed. All of your friends and family. Gone. Blown off the face of the earth. Just try and imagine that.