a little imagine for my friend

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That you are at your cosin Liam's wedding you sit next to one of his best friends at first you can't se who it is but then you see that it's Zayn you blush a little when you see that its him

A couple of minutes late you have to go on the bathroom when you almost there you suddenly hear somebody cry you go into the room to see who it is and when you got into the room you get a little surprise when you see that it was Louis that cried

You go over to him and take a seat next to him

"Hey what's wrong ?" you ask and smile a little

He looks at you with a sad face then he tells you everything that happened he and his girlfriend just broke up

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that is there something that I can do to make it a little bit better ?" you said

He smiles at you and then takes your hand in his

"You can dance with me and then give me your number"

"Well okay then let's dance"

And then he leads you on the dance floor and starts to dance with you

"Oh by the way I'm Louis"

"I'm Camilla"

"Okay you're Liam's cosin right ?"

"Yeah I am"

"Cool nice to meet ya"

"You to"

When the song is finish and you find your seats again you give Louis your number and then he got home and you go back to you sit next to Zayn again

The reast of the night you talk to Zayn of text with Louis :)

Hope you like it sweetheart

This is a special one just for you

And by the way is imagine was for my friend Camilla :)

imagines from my head :)Where stories live. Discover now