Justin Bieber Ch.35

441 7 6

-2 weeks later

Alfredo:Bro today is the day!

Justin:Wait what?

Alfredo:How do you forget about this day?

Justin:Fredo they said I might be able to leave today. You know it's always a no.

Pattie:Baby I think you are gonna be able to leave today.


Pattie:We'll see baby, but I think you can today or very soon.

Doctor:(Comes in)Hey Justin.


Doctor:Ready to hear the news?

Justin:Um yeah please.

Doctor:Well you'll be able to leave today.

Justin:Are you serious? Don't play with me.

Doctor:Yeah you've recovered from your surgery, but still be careful. You are still underweight though but you've done a little bit of progress so you can go home I guess as long as you still listen to us.

Justin:Listen to what?

Doctor:You also still have that condition of yours. Immune deficiency so you will still need your daily check and stuff you need.

Justin:Oh ughhh I hate my condition!

Doctor:Alright guys so i'll get you guys things he needs and he'll be having a nurse with him to make things easier for you like last time.

Scooter:Yeah thanks I can't do everything.

Doctor:Especially with this boy. Anyway so since he doesn't get so much energy cause he can't eat much and having immune deficiency he'll have an IV but it's just the kind with the tube and the liquid in it so it won't be the kind with the bag so it's portable he can do things with it on. Just like he had before and he still needs those injections which is part of his daily check. He does need to check his blood daily too and that'll be part if his daily check as well.

Justin:Fuck that.

Scooter:Justin watch that language!

Alfredo:Bro at least you get to leave just think of it that way and you'll be able to do things again.

Justin:But it's so different!

Doctor:He'll have a schedule with his appointments he'll need to still have regular check ups and run tests to keep an eye on him. That immune deficiency can be dangerous that's why he needs to be well taken cared of and watch him closely.

Justin:(Rolls his eyes)Pshhh

Doctor:Does that cover most of it?

Scooter:Yeah mostly thanks.

Doctor:To explain more he'll be checking his blood through out the day too not just once. Have him get finger pricks and his blood pressure will be checked twice a day and the nurse can take care of pretty much everything and once he's out of here the nurse will start all that so you guys get used to his schedule.

Scooter:Okay we'll also make sure he gets all the things he needs.

Justin:Scooter will I be able to get back on tour?

Scooter:Um I'm not sure yet kid.

Doctor:He can go on tour if that's what he really wants to do but he can have breathing problems just make sure he has his inhaler with him at all times, and the nurse will have everything he needs some days he'll need extra oxygen from too much activity, so he might need that sometimes.

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