Chapter One

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Katekyo belongs to Akira Amano

The characters may or may be not OOC

'inner thoghts'




"boss mode/ angry"

"phone/ wlakie talkie/ etc."

*place/ noises*



> Tsuna's POV <

"Sveglia la mia cara" (wake up my dear) i can hear a manly voice wisper into my ear. "solo cinque minuti" (just five minutes) to late i realized what i have done. The ten ton mallet connects with my head and leaves a fat bump.

"Renato!" i said pounting while rubing the pain away. The older laughs while wielding Leon in mallet form. "Ho avvertito si tesoro" (i have warnd you honey) said Reborn chuckling. "Now stand up, school is waiting" he goes down into the kitchen.

> Author's POV <

~30 min later~

'how long do you need to finish your selfe Tsuna?' thought Reborn, he goes up and storms Tsunas bathroom only to find is beloved one to badage some serious wounds. A big amount of KI (Killing Intend) leaves the raven haired. Tsuna on the other hand looks like a ghost 'he found out' was all he could think, so frozen was he.

"WHO WAS THAT!!!" Tsuna gulpd in fear, never was Reborn so angry. Yeah, the whole house was shaking. Tsuna didnt have a chocie, he ran away to school, despite having tow hours time befor it starts. 

But this was a mistake.

> Tsuna's POV

'ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod' i repeat it like it was a mantra 'he found out, what now?' i was so deep in my thoughts that i didnt see were i was walking, so i ran accidentally into some of my bullies 'great luck i have here' i sighed. 

"oh Dame-Tsuna, here to be our punching bag?" Ookami Kuro said, his gang loughing. 'its geting better and better, now comes the big bad wolf' "O-ookami-san...." i stutter, only to keep my dame act, as if I were afraid of him. "How dare you speak back, you b****d" he then drags me into in dark alley.

The only thing i remember is the pain wen they hit my old brusies over and over again until i see stars, and i dont mean the good ones. Eventually they got bored hiting and kicking me and dissapear. For a short time i blacked out, not sure how long it was i stood up and wobbeld to school. I think i reached the front gate, before the all known black comes back. I mean i heard someone yelling "Omnivoir-" befor i fell over.

> Hibari's POV <

 Today was something foul, i could literally smell it. The first thing was the good mood frome some troublemakers. I heard them say something about the Omnivoir and good exercise. And the second one was wen the Bomber and the Sword came without the Omnivoir. 

So i waited. Two hours before i saw someone wobble in my direction. It was my Sky. I would nerver admit it and i will fully deny what i say now, but Sawada Tsunayoshi is my Sky, the one and only place for me to roam freely. So im not happy about him being bullied, but this was going to far. "Omnivoir-" I shouted.

Luckily i could catch him befor i he fell to the ground. Fast i deald the number for the suite-carnevoir, his boyfriend, and was immediately connectet.

"Kyoya what is, right know-" he said with a dark voice befor i cut him "School. Now. Omnivoir. Hurt" *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*. Not five minutes later i feeled a overhelming mass of very dark KI. Suite-carevoir, wihtout doubt.

> Hayato's POV <

I rang the doorbell, only to find a very bad mooded Reborn opening the door. "Tsuna was going ahead" he said and shut the door with a loud Bang. Not thinking about anything i walked to school, on the way i met the baseball-freak.

"Yo Haya-chan, were is Tsuna" the creepy loughing-freak he is he smiled. "Teme dont call me Haya-chan and be more respektfull to the Juudaime" i sighed "Reborn said he was walking ahead". 

"ho~? You think Tsuna is all right?" he smiles but his eyes doesnt. "This is Juudaime were talking about, he did some awesome stuff, i think he can walk to school alone" "Yeah you are right. But i cant deny i have a bad feeling. Maybe it is my imagination" he said and the tension from befor dissolves. 

I would never ever admit it, but i am glad that Juudaime has someone like the Baseball-freak. He really is a perfect rain. But i will never admit it lound, even if i have to die. 'The inheritance ceremonie is in one month, i hope everything goes all right.' i tried to think about something else

*In the classroom*

~2 hours later~

The class started already two hours ago. Juudaime isnt here yet. Were is he? Juudaime? Decimoooooo? I cried inwardly

I jolted wen someone touched my shoulder, it was the baseball-freak. "What?!" i snaped "Hahaha you are like a puppy waiting for his master, calm down" he loughed. All of sudden i herad some one shout "Omnivoir" and knowing how it was i stood up, much to the displeasure of the teacher, and walked to the window. 

What I saw caused my blood to freeze in my veins. "Juudaime!" i stormed out of class, not noticing the Baseball-freak, the girls and Enma following me. I run like my life dependet on it with one though in my emty head 'Juudaime, what have i done?'.


TCB (To be coninued)

So hope it was ok, any comment is a blessing


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