Chapter One: Six Years Prior

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Piper Belle-Harwood.

Six Years Prior


“Stop being such a bitch. I need to see her, Piper.”

 I cocked my head to the side and leaned against the beautiful dorm that stood behind me.

In front of me stood a desperate looking nineteen-year-old man. His dark hair, only a few shades darker than my own deep chocolate brown loose curls, was shaggy and hung in his face –he obviously hadn’t gotten it cut in a while. He narrowed his dark green eyes at me and I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze –the only visible sign that he intimated me. 

“Well, you’re shit out of luck then because that’s simply not going to happen.”

Ryder growled and took another step toward me moments before a dainty hand shot out and grabbed his leather jacket-clad arm. I stiffened as the blonde stepped beside Ryder. Up until now, I had refused to acknowledge her and she knew better than to try and speak to me.

However, now Zoe seemed to be undergoing a temporary lack in judgment as she lifted her light brown eyes up to meet my steely grey ones.

 “Please. We flew all the way out here so Ryder would get a chance to talk to her. New York City is not the easiest place to navigate and do you know how it expensive it was to take a cab from the airport to Columbia’s campus?” I scoffed and rolled my eyes –it’s not like anyone asked these two to come out here. 

“Well excuse me for not being at the airport, waiting to pick you two up,” I shrugged and crossed my arms as I looked towards Ryder. “Kind of figured you’d still be in rehab or at least too drugged out to know the difference between an airplane and a car.” Ryder’s eyes darkened and he clenched his fists, a sign that he was barely containing his anger. I decided not to push him and instead turned my sights on the blonde. “Then again, you must be drugged out if you thought for even a second that bringing this slut to my school was a good idea. I swear I’m getting herpes just looking at her.” 

Ryder scoffed. 

“Trust me. She’s only here because she signed me out of rehab as my guardian for the day. I can’t stand the bitch, either,” he hissed.

Zoe looked away from us and shifted her feet before she looked back up at me; my 5’ 5” had exactly one inch on her and that one inch had never made me feel so powerful in my life.

“Listen, I know you have every right to be angry with me,” damn straight I do, “but please just let Ryder up to talk to her. Piper-”

“Don’t call me that,” I snapped. She recoiled a bit and stared at me, open-mouthed. “You lost the right to call me that the moment you even thought about sleeping with my boyfriend. Well, I guess now he’s my ex-boyfriend. Whatever. I-”

“God, I’m sorry, Piper! I’ve-”

“What did I say about calling me that?”

“-never seen him so miserable! He won’t talk to anyone and only gives me the time of day when I approach him about the bab-”

 “DON’T MENTION THAT TO ME!” I screamed, reaching up to grab at my dark hair.  I closed my eyes tightly and tried to block out all thoughts of my former boyfriend and former best friends. I looked up and saw that Zoe had her left hand lying protectively over her belly and I had to swallow in order to keep the vomit from making its way up and through my mouth. I shook my head and walked backed up towards the door. “You two get do whatever the hell you want but you’re not getting near me or my sister again. You can go back to whatever fucking drugs you were shooting up and you can go back to do whatever it is that people do after getting knocked up by their best friends boyfriend. Just leave me and my sister out of it.”

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