Chapter Two

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        Ugh, where am I?  What's going on?  I slightly open up my eyes and I see the silhouette of two men in the car seats in front of me.  I blink my eyes a couple times and the men become clearer against the morning sky.  The man driving has short hair that is fashioned upwards, and I also realize that he's wearing a leather jacket.  The guy in the passenger seat has hair which is almost to his shoulders.  He is wearing some hideous colored jacket.  These guys are speaking in hushed tones of which I can't make out, because my mind is still all groggy.  I sit up and catch a glimpse of of myself in the mirror.  God, I look like a raccoon.  I rub off all the strayed eyeliner I can as I hear the driver say, "Mornin', Sleeping Beauty!"

        The other man looks back and smiles warmly at me.  I smile back and then I realize what I'm doing.  I yell, "Wait, WHAT THE HELL AND I DOING HERE AND WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!"

        "Calm down!"  the driver yells back.

        I reply, "I don't even know who the Hell you guys even are!"  The other one turns around with a kinder expression on his face.

        "Okay, you just woke up from passing out, so things are probably gonna come a little slow.  So just concentrate on trying to remember.  But don't try too hard, because it's gonna be a lot.  I'm pretty sure that's how you blacked out in the first place.  So, just give yourself some time, but try."  I close my eyes and images start flowing to my mind.  I pull my thoughts back together, and now I can remember being pinned against a wall and the guy's head being chopped off.  Some more details were starting to come to me as well.

        "Ummmm,  I remember the guy's head being chopped off and two guys came running to m-, was that you guys?"  The man in the passenger seat nods.

        The short haired guy declares, "We saved your life too.  So you're welcome."  He looks at me in the mirror sternly, expecting some kind of thanks I guess.

        "I don't even know who you are!  Much less, you guys have got to be psychos!  He," I point at the longer haired man, "chopped that guys head off!  Who are you, what's going on, who was the other man, and what is going on here?!?!"

        The two men glance at each other for a second and then the short haired one speaks, "I'm Dean and this," he takes one hand off the steering wheel and pats the other guy's shoulder, "is my brother Sammy.  He'll explain the rest for you."  Dean smilles, brings his hand back, and Sam turns to face me again.

        He begins talking and he makes sure to keep eye contact, and I can see he respects me.  "We are hunters, but we don't hunt animals.  We hunt monsters.  That other guy last night, wasn't really a guy.  He was a monster; He was a vampire."  I remember the smile the vamp gave me last night, so now that makes sense.  I nod in understanding, I can feel my brow furrow, and he continues, "So now that I've told you a bit, what's your name?"

        I lay my hands in my lap and say, "Phoenix, Phoenix Harling.  So about vampires, do they sparkle, like the movies say?"  Dean chuckles and I shoot him a glare.

        Sam laughs softly, but at least its better than Dean's attitude.  "No, they don't."  He smiles fully.

        "So, are vampires the only real monsters?"  Sam nods no, so I motion for him to tell me more.

        He starts, but Dean cuts him off, "No Sammy, she's heard enough.  We can talk later when she has fully taken in what's happened so far."  He gives Sam a stern look and keeps driving, a bit over the speed limit.

        "Well, in case you didn't notice, I was attacked.  I also don't think it takes a rocket scientist to see that I should know what I'm up against and how to fight it.  Where are we going?  You didn't even know my name, much less where I live."

        Dean flashes me my Driver's license in the miror, "I knew your name, Sam is just nicer, so he asked.  But it doesn't matter, because you're not going home, at least not until we get this figured out."  he says as he looks in my eyes through the mirror.  I return a horrified glance to him.

        "What do you mean, until we get this figured out?"

       Sam turns back and replies, so much kindlier than Dean, "Just rest a bit.  Once we get to where we are going, then we can talk.  There's still a few hours until we get there, so you should be able to get some sleep."  He turns back around, and they are obviously done talking.  how did I get here?  I'm in the back of a car with two guys I hardly even know, and I'm not going home.  Well I don't really have a home.  i don't even have a family.  I'm knee deep in something I'm never getting out of, so I may as well try and enjoy the ride.  i lay my head against the window and watch the sunrise fade to blue.  I close my eyes and let the hum of the car lull me to sleep.

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