Part 2

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Your POV
//I get up and go to brush my teeth I come back to the room and cuddle back into Logan's chest. //
20 mins later.  
L: Morning gorgeous.
//I look up and him and smile.//
K: Morning, what time is it?
L: About 12:30. Oh no we better get going I have a surprise for you!!
K: Really!? What is it!!
L: Now if I told you that it wouldn't be a surprise.
// I roll my eyes and bring Logan into a bear hug. I then bring out my vlog camera.//
K: Heyy guyss, me and logie just woke up, and now he apparently has a surprise for me
L: Yes guys your not even for this kenna!
K: I'm so excited!
//I put down the vlog camera. Logan leads me out to the car.//
K: where are we going?
L: You'll see in a minute.
// We pull up into a parking lot and logan covers my eyes. He takes me outside.//
L: Ypu ready?
K: I guess /I say while me and Logan vlog./
//I look around and scream.//
K:Oh my god, we are in Disney Land!!!!
L: You told me you'd never been, so I had to take you❤️
K: Ahhh, I'm so excited!!! Thank you so much logan❤️❤️❤️❤️
// We walk through the gates and go on all the rides. We get to the Disney castle, it's now 9pm and the fireworks are about to start.//
K: This is amazing.
L: I have one more thing.
K: I don't know what can be better than this.
// He puts his hands on your face and lifts your head towards him, he kisses you and the fireworks start.//
K: Ok that was definitely better.
//You smile at him and kiss him. //
Drive home- 10:30pm.
// You lean against the car door thinking about what happened today and drift of to sleep.//
Logan's PoV, arrived at apartment complex.
//I look over at kenna and she's fast asleep. I pick her up and carry her to bed. I end my vlog and then drift of to sleep, very very happy.//
Ooo maybe you and Logan can be more than just friends😍😍 Hope your enjoying it💗💗

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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