Chapter 1: You!

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Your POV:

The last year, everything went Great! Martinus die everything to made me feel alright. And my best friend Marcus, Well he left.... he just made a letter: I just gonna tell you this part he wrote. "I am So happy for you Guys! But I wanted to be happy to... I can't live WITHOUT (y/n). Sorry Martinus. Sorry (y/n). But I am leaving, And when you see this... I probably already left this house... Maybe this state, country... I just moved on. I love you brother and I Will always love you (y/n)."

That is what Marcus wrote. He still loves me. And he can not stand it that I am with his brother... I am happy for him that he just moved on. It is the best thing you can do...  Still I Will miss him.

After that, I am at the best University where you could study (enter study choice). Could it be better? No I guess... Maybe... Marcus is not Here anymore, but he just took care About me. When I was sad And Martinus was not there, Marcus would comfort me. But today was not that bad or a little bad... Today I was going to school. I love and I hate the first day. Still I can meet new people and I will miss Martinus as my teachers... But I am married to him now. That is also good right? 

--Time skip until the first day is over because Author is sick AF--

The first day was actually fun. And I made some new friends. Like Jessica, she was the funny girl, always joking around. (A/N for my dutch teacher; meneer, in principe is zij afgeleidt van u XD, Begrijp me niet verkeerd maar u maakt wel echt debiele opmerkingen.... En het is niet omdat ik ermee lach, dat ik om de grap lach. Ik lach al met het debielste... Dus laten we zeggen, moest u iets heel droog zeggen, ik zou er al mee lachen xD...Oh en wilt u niet meer zo droog bij een vriendin van mij gaan zitten in de bus? Danku XDDDD.)

 Then you had Jason, popular boy you know. Well he is popular but he wants us to be friends. He is pretty cool. You should think he only hangs out with the cool kids but no. And then you have Ariane, she is just a smart kid. A little emo (A/N: Don't think I hate emo's, I like them :) ) but I don't care. She is nice. But well, that is it for today. I walked up to the parking lot to take my car and go home. My friends are taking the bus. Or they just walk home. So, nobody I have to go with to here. 

I walked up to the parking lot and I saw someone at the parking lot I tought I would never see again. To be sure I walked closer before screaming his name. (A/N: This happend to me in real life XD, I was walking with a friend to a friends house, and I tought she was walking there in the streets, so I yell at her. I was wrong, it was someone else... LOL.) And yes, it was him. "Ma-Marcus is that really you?!" I yelled at him. He turned around and looked up at me.

 "Long time no see (y/n)!" He yelled back at me. He runned to me and hugged me. I missed him so much. "I want to talk to you, can we please drive a little around?" Marcus asked me. That is just all that I wanted! "Of course Marcus!" I said walking with him to his car. We went in, he started the car and drived a little around.

"Marcus, where are we going to?" I said to him, So happy that he wanted to see me again. He said that we could be Friends and only that... "(y/n)... We are going home." He said calmly And locking the car Doors. "Marcus, stop the car, I want to get out!" I yelled at him...scared... "Babe please, you Will have Some more fun with me then with Martinus..." He said And then everything went black...

"WHAAAT NOOOOOO" I said. " What's wrong" Finix said. "WHY ALWAYS THOSE CLIFFHANGERS!" I said. "Idk, why not? It is nice XD" Finix the author said. "But I wanna know what is going to happen!!!" I said. "Well, I will tell you! But you need to do some things for me." Finix said.

"WHAT?" I said.

"Scroll down!" The author said.

My Norwegian Teacher (Marcus And Martinus, (y/n) fanfic)Book 2: YOU!Where stories live. Discover now